Novels set in 2e world


Are there any plans to publish any Pathfinder Tales set in second edition Galorion?

The entire Pathfinder Tales line has been in hiatus for quite a while.

I suspect that any differences between editions would be rather subtle in novels.

Indeed! Really wish they would bring it back. Miss the stories very much. I’ve been reading Conan books all these years and almost completely done with every single one. Yes, I read slow. Heh.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

While there aren't any new novels yet, there are a bunch of web fictions that have been going up in regards to the 2E world.

Was moving this discussion to an archived folder a good idea?

I hope we aren't just reminiscing about something that will never come back.


Cori Marie wrote:
While there aren't any new novels yet, there are a bunch of web fictions that have been going up in regards to the 2E world.

I mean there are new novels, just no one to publish them. I even think the number of written novels waiting for a publisher was higher at paizocon than it was in past interviews.

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