Shield proficiency?

Rules Discussion

What about shield proficiency? I can't find a reference to it, if it exists. Herolab online does tell me my character is Untrained in Towershields, though I can't find a way to get my character mechanically 'trained' for that. Any ideas?

Sovereign Court

Shields don't offer any proficiency bonuses in their math. So there is no point to list it.

Yes everybody can use a shield and use the raise the shield option.

You need the shield block general feat tho to shield block, some martial classes get shield block as a bonus feat.

It does no exist, everyone is proficient in shields. shield work by spending action to raise them and grant you a bonus to AC. That is it unless you have shield based reactions feats. which can be used to absorb blows. You can spend action to take cover behind tower shield. I am not sure if that requires a feat or not.

Allright, I guess that's a bug in Herolab then :) Thanks for explaining!

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