What meta-region are you most excited to run a game in?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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I’m dyingggg to run a Mwangi Expanse campaign, personally.

Sovereign Court

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All of them, but with the Absalom announcements, I'm excited about running a game or two there!

Shadow Lodge

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I don't care about meta-region so much as Adventure Path. If the concept appeals, the country doesn't matter so much.

Honestly, I'm most interested in seeing what kind of coverage we might see for other continents. Lately, I've been thinking up ideas for adventures in Iobaria.

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Okay, to expand on what I said earlier (I was at work): a Mwangi Expanse game has SO MUCH POTENTIAL for wild stuff. Shory archeology! The oldest elf culture! Orc and lizardfolk friends! Astronomy! Hunting down those racist Order of the Nail bastards! Pirates! There’s so much variety, and none of it is boring traditional fantasy.

The Impossible Lands, of course. Mostly because that's the less explored region of all the Ten regions.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
keftiu wrote:
Okay, to expand on what I said earlier (I was at work): a Mwangi Expanse game has SO MUCH POTENTIAL for wild stuff. Shory archeology! The oldest elf culture! Orc and lizardfolk friends! Astronomy! Hunting down those racist Order of the Nail bastards! Pirates! There’s so much variety, and none of it is boring traditional fantasy.

Surely you mean Order of the Coil? I think they are the most hated of Hellknight orders, even worse than the Order of the Chain.

The Order of the Nail has some problems, but it should be as reformable as the Lantern Bearers were.

Shadow Lodge

David knott 242 wrote:
keftiu wrote:
Okay, to expand on what I said earlier (I was at work): a Mwangi Expanse game has SO MUCH POTENTIAL for wild stuff. Shory archeology! The oldest elf culture! Orc and lizardfolk friends! Astronomy! Hunting down those racist Order of the Nail bastards! Pirates! There’s so much variety, and none of it is boring traditional fantasy.

Surely you mean Order of the Coil? I think they are the most hated of Hellknight orders, even worse than the Order of the Chain.

The Order of the Nail has some problems, but it should be as reformable as the Lantern Bearers were.

As in, unbelievably and by a clumsy retcon?

I am jazzed for the book about Nex, Geb, Alkenstar, and Jalmeray and would very much like to put a game there if I had the faintest idea how to pull it off.

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I think it's Impossible Lands, Mwangi Expanse, or Broken Lands for me.

David knott 242 wrote:
keftiu wrote:
Okay, to expand on what I said earlier (I was at work): a Mwangi Expanse game has SO MUCH POTENTIAL for wild stuff. Shory archeology! The oldest elf culture! Orc and lizardfolk friends! Astronomy! Hunting down those racist Order of the Nail bastards! Pirates! There’s so much variety, and none of it is boring traditional fantasy.

Surely you mean Order of the Coil? I think they are the most hated of Hellknight orders, even worse than the Order of the Chain.

The Order of the Nail has some problems, but it should be as reformable as the Lantern Bearers were.

I think it was the Order of the Nail hanging out in Sargava, and I really don’t think you can redeem “colonial ‘civilization’ at all costs, with no mercy” as a premise for an org. They make easy baddies, especially if the Vidrian revolution has put them on the run.

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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The Order of the Nail has their headquarters in Korvosa in Varisia, with no indication that they are active in the Mwangi Expanse at all.

I think somebody was confusing them with the utterly irredeemable Order of the Coil.

David knott 242 wrote:

The Order of the Nail has their headquarters in Korvosa in Varisia, with no indication that they are active in the Mwangi Expanse at all.

I think somebody was confusing them with the utterly irredeemable Order of the Coil.

So they are. Thank you!

Shadow Lodge

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David knott 242 wrote:
The Order of the Nail has their headquarters in Korvosa in Varisia, with no indication that they are active in the Mwangi Expanse at all.

Their role as Cossacks during times of civil unrest and as shock troops in Korvosa's campaign to ethnically cleanse the Shoanti from its territory below the Storval Rise make them irredeemable enough, frankly.

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