Talonhawke |
OK so I know that if I were to hold the charge on a spell and deliver it through and on armed strike that weapon for national would apply. My question is would apply to the free touch attack that I get simply for casting a spell i.e. if I have weapons in the ass and cast inflict light ones can I use my dex on the attack roll to touch the target as part of the spell.
MrCharisma |
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Ghostwheel wrote:
MrCharisma wrote:YupMrCharisma: did you actually understand that question? If so: bless your liver! (Because I can only guess at what is being asked)
Haha, it was actually easier when I skimmed it than when I read it thoroughly, but I'll post what I think the question was just to be sure:
Talonhawke wrote:
OK so I know that if I were to hold the charge on a spell and deliver it throughand on armedan unarmed strikewith that weaponfor nationalor natural attack would weapon finesse apply.? My question is would weapon finesse apply to the free touch attack that I get simply for casting a spell? i.e. if I have weapons in theasshand (???) and cast inflict lightoneswounds can I use my dex on the attack roll to touch the target as part of the spell.?
(Bold = replacement for unclear text. Italics = missing text added.)
The answer to that question is: "Yes."