Multiclass & Focus Powers


Spinning my wheels on multiclassing a Monk, I'm womdering if I'm reading the "learn a class feat meeting prereq's as if 1/2 your character level". More to the point is there a downside to taking a power in terms of its overall effectiveness or its ability to be heightened?

Say I'm making a fighter but want to dip into monk powers. If I take Wholeness of Body at level 8 through Adv Kata, can I highten the power as a monk of my character level or as a monk of 1/2 my level? I haven't found a ruling one way or the other so far, but I'm not fantastic at missing little rulings hidden in long descriptions.

Outside of the heightening issue, I imagine the big downside compared to a getting the power as a primary class would be DC. It'd be a mistake, for instance to pick up Ki Blast since my Monk power dc's will never be greater than trained.

Of course, the other big sacrifice is Fighter feat focus in general, but it seems that depending on the character in question it could be worth it..

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All focus powers auto heightend to your character level/2 (rounded up). The half level thing on MC is just a prerequisite for taking the feat. The feat itself and the power it grants works off full level.

The other thing to keep in mind when multiclassing and grabbing class feats from your multiclass is you'll never be able to get higher than 10th level feats unless your campaign goes beyond 20th level.

I'm running into that conundrum in deciding if I want my main class to be Undead Sorcerer so that I can get Grasping Grave at 10th level or Fighter to be able to grab Spring Attack/Whirlwind Strike at all but push Grasping Grave back to 20th level.

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