Pathfinder 2 and 'Companion Creatures'.

Pathfinder Society


Please point me towards an entry in the PFS rules that says something in the spirit of:

It's not allowed to have more then 1 'Companion Creature'.
Meaning: not allowed to have 3 animal companions and 4 familiars, gained from different sources.

Or....PF2 allows characters to have multiple animal companions/familiars?

Liberty's Edge 1/5 5/55/55/55/5 ** Venture-Captain, Illinois—Fairview Heights

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Page 214, first paragraph covers the limit for animal companions. I’m on my phone or I’d copy/paste for you.

Page 217, second paragraph under the heading familiars covers the limit 1, for them.

Summoned creatures are covered by action economy. All of the summon spells I see so far require all 3 actions to summon and then an additional action per turn to sustain it. Sustaining the spell then eats one of your three actions, preventing you from summoning a second companion. Page 304 outlines this.

There’s a caveat. When you summon a creature, it immediately gets two actions. All sustained spells last until the end of your next turn. If you sustain one you can’t summon another because of action economy. If you summon on round 1, it gets two actions then your turn ends. If you summon instead of sustain on round two, you burn a second spell slot and have two summoned companions that each have two actions but as soon as your turn ends, the one summoned in the first round is then gone. You could technically chain cast all of your spell slots to keep getting companions, but given the level disadvantage of the summoned companions, I don’t suspect many if any people will think this a wise use of their spell slots per day. Even heightened.

I hope this is helpful and if you see something I missed, please point me in the right direction so that we can both learn together.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

Also, Animal companions eat your actions to be effective.

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