Yakman |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I can definitely see it as a reward for player actions at the end of Book 6. But there's a big old army of paladins that's gotta get killed first.
Then you can run evil kingmaker all you want.
BUT if you want to make a player feel good about their character, start handing out petty titles to them. They don't need a benefit, but if you want to have a title, give them all a minor one at the end of Book 4 or 5, and a major one at the end of Book 6.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial,_royal_and_noble_ranks#Minor_nobilit y,_gentry,_and_other_aristocracy
has a list of minor titles you can use.
Yakman |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
You could also hand one out at the beginning of Book 4, which would not only come in handy, but make the interactions in that book make a lot more sense.
It would be the minorest of minor titles, but sufficient to 'get them in the door' as you would. Demi-baron fits.