Super secret project

PaizoCon General Discussion

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So I've been listening to the Know Direction recordings from this year's PaizoCon and during one of the events, the panel is asked what upcoming thing they are most excited about. Lisa Stevens then goes ahead and mentions something she cannot quite talk about yet but that saying something to the effect of "it will transform the way we play".

Now, I've been looking around these messageboards for a thread of wild speculations as to what that might be but I haven't seen any. So I thought, why not start one?

So let's guess: what does paizo have I'm store that will transform the way we play our favorite game?

Here's my long-shot guess: Virtual Reality! something like an augmented reality virtual tabletop.

Any other ideas?

Sovereign Court

I'm just getting back into the (Paizo) loop, but perhaps a relaunch/launch of Gamespace? 3d or possibly VR could be integrated into it.

Intrigued none the less.

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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I suspect that whatever it is will either disappoint me or completely blow me away. For everything I can think of, my thought is either "That isn't big enough to transform the way we play" or "That can't be done".

Sounds like typical convention (pick a convention, any convention) hyperbole to me.

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This may be what was hinted at. It seems to fit the bill rather well for those who have A mazon A Lexa.

For those of us in the primordial tech ages, it's not as groundshaking, but it is pretty interesting.

Meh. If it's not more First Edition content, then it won't affect my bankroll. I have yet to purchase anything post-2E. Hopefully it's something that brings customers in rather than shooing once loyal customers away.

I only bought a second copy of the Core 2nd book so I'd have it on hand for GMing at GenCon, currently gathering dust waiting for the release of the APG and then AR for same in PFS2.

There is still a lot of story to be told in PF1, imo.

Starfinder, though, has gradually been growing on me... though some of the innovations really scare me being a nigh-unto neo-tech-Luddite.

New untested unproven technology with unseen side effects scares me a lot.


Is it Pathfinder Online?

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

More likely, it is that Starfinder Alexa thingy.

Click the link. It takes you to the blog post

Alexa, I would like to cast magic missile at the darkness.

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