Questions about applying a home game of Dead Suns

Starfinder Society

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

A bit of context... I've been GMing a home game of Dead Suns AP for over a year and we just finished book 5... loving it so far. The five of us are all headed to GenCon this year and just played Skitter Shot to introduce people to society play.

After playing Skitter Shot, we discovered that we could apply our Dead Suns campaign for society play, granting credit at the appropriate levels just as if we played pregens.

First question... do I retroactively need to ask people to reorder their chronicle sheets so that they count the AP book 1 prior to SKittershot? Or is it okay to put as sheet #2 because both happened and are being applied prior to their character's first foray at the Con?

Next question... the later AP books can't be applied right away because they are for levels 3+ and onward. When to the day job checks get rolled for? Right away or when they're applied?

Grand Lodge 4/5 **

1) They can be applied after Skittershot.

2) Day Jobs are not rolled for in Adventure Paths.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Perfect, simple answers on both counts. Thank you!

1/5 5/55/55/55/5

Starfinder Superscriber
Christian Dragos wrote:
2) Day Jobs are not rolled for in Adventure Paths.

Source, please? This contradicts (eg) QUA boon from AP002 which has a specific mechanic for AP day jobs.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

I believe that you still get Downtime in between AP Chronicles, and Downtime is what you need for Day Job checks.

Page 8 of the Guide tells us Pregens can participate in Downtime.

GMs similarly get Downtime, and we're told that GMs must choose how to spend their Downtime when the Chronicle is applied.

So it seems reasonable to me that you would simply decide what to do with your Downtime once you apply an AP Chronicle as a player.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **

Arc Riley wrote:
Christian Dragos wrote:
2) Day Jobs are not rolled for in Adventure Paths.
Source, please? This contradicts (eg) QUA boon from AP002 which has a specific mechanic for AP day jobs.

Whoops! I was thinking PFS rules where there are no day job rolls in APs.

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