Lost Omens: Gods and Magic

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I know we're 7 months from release for this book but I need to just throw this out there. I would love for variant channeling to make a comeback and this would be the perfect book to do it in. In case you aren't aware of what variant channeling was in 1E, at first level as a Cleric you could choose if you wanted to channel energy in the traditional sense or you could choose a different effect based on your dieties domain.

With an exhaustive list of Gods coming, I'd like to see this fun little option make a return but as a class feat you could take which would have the requirements of channel energy, worshipping a specific deity for each choice and level.

I'd like everyone else's thoughts on if this should make a return or not.

Wait, has there been a release schedule that goes beyond Gencon / initial launch? This passed me by

A cynic would say that its just going to be a reprint of the 1st edition one but seeing as its a hardcover and i presume a meatier book, i could see this as a fitting addition to a book about the gods.

Lanathar wrote:
Wait, has there been a release schedule that goes beyond Gencon / initial launch? This passed me by

Yes the Gamemasters guide with some variant rules, lost omens character guide which has 3 new ancestries,Hobgoblin, lizardfolk and leshy as well as some more variants for the the core and finally Lost omens gods and magic.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The Character Guide comes out in September, and the Gamemaster's Guide and the G&M book come out in January. There's no word on what comes after so far as I know, but we have word that they want to do three Lost Omens books a year.

I wonder if hobgoblins are going to be presented as a Real Choice rather than just a monster race among monster races now that they have their own sovereign nation.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Arachnofiend wrote:
I wonder if hobgoblins are going to be presented as a Real Choice rather than just a monster race among monster races now that they have their own sovereign nation.

I'd say so. There's too much to play with for them to not to go for it.

Davido1000 wrote:
Lanathar wrote:
Wait, has there been a release schedule that goes beyond Gencon / initial launch? This passed me by
Yes the Gamemasters guide with some variant rules, lost omens character guide which has 3 new ancestries,Hobgoblin, lizardfolk and leshy as well as some more variants for the the core and finally Lost omens gods and magic.

Oh I thought the three new ancestries was in the lost omens world guide rather than a separate book

Leshy’s seem like a weird choice. Indeed all 3 do. Has there been a discussion on that?

I guess once you set aside that plane-touched , geniekin, dhampir and fetchling are likely to be heritages and not ancestries in their own right that really starts to narrow down the options for ancestries

Evan Tarlton wrote:
The Character Guide comes out in September, and the Gamemaster's Guide and the G&M book come out in January. There's no word on what comes after so far as I know, but we have word that they want to do three Lost Omens books a year.

The big one to watch out for is clearly going to be the Gencon 2020 release but that is a long way off

That would presumably be the one for new classes. Although I wonder if said new classes would be playtested like the past? Or whether they trust their underlying system based on the extensive playtest data (compared to 1E where they still needed to get things to work with an old system)

The choice of those 3 heritages suggests potential for the unexpected at least ...

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Lanathar wrote:
Oh I thought the three new ancestries was in the lost omens world guide rather than a separate book

The World Guide is more of a DM's book, and the Character Guide is aimed at players. They could produce a big splatbook aimed at both, but they're unlikely to release it so close to the Player's Handbook.


Leshy’s seem like a weird choice. Indeed all 3 do. Has there been a discussion on that?

I guess once you set aside that plane-touched , geniekin, dhampir and fetchling are likely to be heritages and not ancestries in their own right that really starts to narrow down the options for ancestries

Many people thought that Leshies and Lizardfold/Iruxi were odd picks. Hobgoblins make more sense given Oprak. A lot of us were expecting Orcs, or the various Planetouched, or Ratfolk/Ysoki.



The big one to watch out for is clearly going to be the Gencon 2020 release but that is a long way off

That would presumably be the one for new classes. Although I wonder if said new classes would be playtested like the past? Or whether they trust their underlying system based on the extensive playtest data (compared to 1E where they still needed to get things to work with an old system)

I agree that the next class influx will be the GenCon 2020 book, and I agree with Davido1000 in that we will probably get some form of playtest. At least, that is my hope.

They are definitely odd choices for the first 3 new races but i can dig it, They will no doubt playtest any new classes they make for sure.

IIRC Lizardfolk are going to feature prominently in the first AP of 2nd edition so they may get in on the same "they're people now" logic that hobgoblins do. Zero idea why leshies were included though, given that most Pathfinder players who have even heard of them think of them as a familiar.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Arachnofiend wrote:
IIRC Lizardfolk are going to feature prominently in the first AP of 2nd edition so they may get in on the same "they're people now" logic that hobgoblins do. Zero idea why leshies were included though, given that most Pathfinder players who have even heard of them think of them as a familiar.

Lizardfolk should probably also feature in Vidrian. As for Leshies, I think that it's a willingness to be experimental, or to do something we won't expect. Or, perhaps, the third AP will play into the First World, so they wanted to give us another fey-type ancestry to use.

Back to the topic, Im not that well versed in the diety specific channels in 1e, what did they do exactly?

Davido1000 wrote:
Back to the topic, Im not that well versed in the diety specific channels in 1e, what did they do exactly?

From my perspective there are some that are incredibly OP

There is a Milani one that gives a Heroism buff for number of rounds equal to Charisma modifier - but this isn't capped so refreshes every channel

A pharasma one gave re-rolls

Those two are easily the most powerful

There were Asmodeus, Norgorber, Torag and a few others. Some better than others and all at different levels (based on channel dice)

Davido1000 wrote:
Back to the topic, Im not that well versed in the diety specific channels in 1e, what did they do exactly?

You can read them below


Some are definitely better than others but it was always a hard choice of do I want to heal/control undead or do I want this cool effect? I think making them class feats based on your deity where you could then channel your original energy and your variant version by spending a feat would be awesome.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I feel like if they are going to do variant channel energy again, which I support, they should tie the variants to domains instead of Gods. This keeps the list of variants to a more limited quantity while still giving each deity a variety. Also, this may help to keep the variants balanced since there is a single set tied to domains instead of an ever growing list tied to individual deities.

I think having a diety-based feat alone could be interesting, even potentially for classes that aren't inherently religious. And having the option to spend your resources in new ways can always be interesting. So I think the idea has potential, I am just concerned about a few things.

Deity-specific feats could be flavorful, but which deity you worship is a big roleplay decision. I am not entirely sure I am conformable with mechanically incentivizing a massive part of your character. I also imagine this could hurt more fringe gods who may not get feats. If you go forward with it, you would need to especially careful about balance. You can change it over to domains, which would alleviate a lot of these problems, but also make it not as flavorful. I think the choice between deity and domain feats are risk-reward.

I think as a matter of taste, I would prefer single, cohesive abilities or having a heal/harm ability for alternative channeling, along with heal/harm. Looking at the list Initiate provided, it seems like a lot of the options provided are fluff and or repeated.

Will this be the 2E version of Inner Sea Gods? I would like to see 2E versions of the PRC's in that book.

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Really hoping to see some non-deific options for divine characters in this.

Dark Archive

keftiu wrote:
Really hoping to see some non-deific options for divine characters in this.

Yeah, some generic feats related to the Cleric class abilities could be neat. In 1e, I was often picking Improved Initiative and Toughness, just because, after the feats related to improving Channeling, like Selective Channel (if Cha permitted), there wasn't a whole lot that screamed 'Cleric' out there for Feats.

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