Pathinder 1e and 2e vs DnD 5e spell comparison

5th Edition (And Beyond)

Sovereign Court

To anyone who has experience using spellcasters in both systems: how do the spell casting systems differ and does 5e have any spells in common with Pathfinder? Can you use the dnd Spellbook cards in Pathfinder?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

There are many spells in common, but I would only use the 5e cards to keep track of which spells are prepared, not for any mechanical rules.

For instance: Spiritual Weapon in 5e lets you move the weapon 20' per round, but in the 2e (Playtest) you can move it 120' per round. In 5e it is a free action and has no penalties to attack with it; in 2e (Playtest) it takes an action to attack with it and your MAP applies.

There are lots of spells with common names between PF1 and D&D5 (or other versions of D&D), but you will only confuse yourself trying to use spellbook cards from one version for the other, because of the different mechanics.

I'd suggest something specific to PF, like Perram's spellbook.

In general, don't use spellbook cards from different editions. It doesn't work out very well. XD

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