Ruzza |

I feel like this is a dumb question to ask since it seems like a no-brainer, but will we be seeing a Player's Guide for Age of Ashes before launch?
After telling my players not to draft up characters without seeing the Player's Guide, one of them asked if that wouldn't be strange to have a book with new backgrounds and recommended choices in it before we see the ruleset in full. Was it that Player's Guides always released a month ahead of the AP or were they released simultaneously? I'll admit that I've typically come to APs after they've been out for awhile, so I'm not certain.

tqomins |
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Yes, there will be a Player Guide. It will be put at launch. See here:
We won't be changing the cadence of AP player's guides. The plan at this point is for the Age of Ashes Player's Guide to launch the same day as all the rest of the stuff, I believe.

Ruzza |

Yes, there will be a Player Guide. It will be put at launch. See here:
James Jacobs wrote:We won't be changing the cadence of AP player's guides. The plan at this point is for the Age of Ashes Player's Guide to launch the same day as all the rest of the stuff, I believe.
Thanks! Silly me for not finding this before making the thread.