Grey Maiden

Mantriel's page

78 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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I am looking for the PF2e equivalent of the D&D 5e basic rules:

I know every rule is on AoN, I would like to print the rules out and give it to my players.

The beginner box heroes rulebook would be great, but I don't own it in pdf form.

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Albatoonoe wrote:
You didn"t give us much to actually talk about. The specifics are lacking. I got second rysky here.

Did you like the APs?

Do you think PF2 was a success?
Do you think enough people bought into it from PF1?
Do you think the PC games Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous will bring enough people to PF2 that it becomes (even more???) successful?
Are you satisfied with Paizo?
Do you think they should have done something differently?
What is the general consensus about the state of the game?
Am I in the minority?
What is your opinion?
What is your opinion about the state of the game (Pathfinder 2) and the efforts of the Publisher (Paizo) regarding sales, production value, direction where the game is headed etc.?
Are you looking forward to the upcoming books and are you generally satisfied overall with the products that you have bought?

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Should I "delete" this thread and start a new one?
Care to start a new thread that is better phrased?

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Rysky wrote:

Care to elaborate a bit more?

You like Pathfinder, have been a long time fan, you like the direction where the game is headed etc.

Something like that would be nice.

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So obviously most of the people reading this are employees, freelancers who worked, are working or want to work for Paizo, fans who play RPGs as their "lifestyle game", friends and family etc.
So any kind of negative feedback is usually (how shall I put it) not welcome??? (and please I don't want to argue with you about this or anything else).

But I was curious about your opinion so I hope to get at least a couple of answers. To emphasis: I am not trolling, I don't want to start a flame war (to be honest I don't really intend to answer to this post) or something similar. I am just curious.

What is your opinion about the state of the game (Pathfinder 2) and the efforts of the Publisher (Paizo) regarding sales, production value, direction where the game is headed etc.?
Are you looking forward to the upcoming books and are you generally satisfied overall with the products that you have bought?

- - -

For me the short version:
TL;DR: I don't like the APs at all, I like the 5e "AP"s much-much better, PF2 is dead to me.

- - -

I for one never bought into 3.5, 3.75 or PF1. So I was anticipating and waiting for PF2 years in advance. When it finally came out I was pleasantly surprised how much better it was than the playtest and bought every book and was very happy with it. Particularly everything Jason Bullmahn, Mark Seifter and especially what Logan Bonner wrote. The core design team did some awesome work in my opinion.

I was very disappointed with the two APs that I bought (Age of Ashes and Agents of Edgewatch), but that is just me. And I am extremely frustrated that the book Absalom, City of Lost Omens was delayed a full year.
I thought that Bestiary 1 was a masterpiece but was kind of disappointed with Bestiary 2 and 3 (I am not sure why).
From the 3 Lost Omens books that I bought, I thought all of them are especially well written, but from a usability standpoint the world guide is kind of pointless since most of this info is on pathfinderwiki, same with Gods & Magic and the first 50 pages of the Character Guide imho should have been in the core book (the material is so good) and I don't really care about the rest of the book. I haven't bought Lost Omens Legends (which I don't care about at all) or the Pathfinder Society Guide (which I don't care for either), I would be interested in the Ancestry Guide and The Grand Bazaar (if Absalom, City of Lost Omens turns out to be good I might still buy this one).

So overall I think I got "my moneys worth". Production quality is top notch, layout, typography, art, art direction, editing, direction and creative direction are all awesome. (Although from a physical production standpoint I had some misprints, unreadable pages and similar things).

I was hoping to start at least one PF2 campaign with my gamers, but decided against it and all of my PF2 materials will be never used and will only collect dust. This is mainly because I dislike the two APs I bought, so much that I won't force my players to learn a completely new system if we don't use the APs anyway.
I don't regret buying them, but I will stop buying any more Paizo Products (after Absalom, City of Lost Omens comes finally out, I have preordered it at my friendly online gamestore more then a year ago).

My "verdict":
I won't buy anymore Paizo Products ever (well perhaps one more book: Lost Omens The Grand Bazaar). Paizo lost me as a potential consumer. Not because of production quality, not even because of the direction development is going, but mainly because of the fact that I am not the target audience (anymore??? ever???). I don't want to start a flame war, so I don't want to go into details, I am more interested in your opinion and experience.

I overall had great time with the books. I sold all of my 4e books (which I also never used, but loved them) and PF2 will replace those on my shelf as dust collectors, to be never used but provide some great inspiration.

Did you like the APs?
Do you think PF2 was a success?
Do you think enough people bought into it from PF1?
Do you think the PC games Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous will bring enough people to PF2 that it becomes (even more???) successful?
Are you satisfied with Paizo?
Do you think they should have done something differently?
What is the general consensus about the state of the game?
Am I in the minority?
What is your opinion?

If Mr. Bonner (Logan) decides to work for another company and releases another Core Rules (or if PF3 comes out and he co-authors it) I will be happy to buy his latest and greatest. But please, please, please make the economy make some sense the next time.

OrochiFuror wrote:

I think the economy makes sense when you put it into perspective. PCs are mercenaries, one of the highest income companies in the real world is a mercenary group. The PCs are constantly spending their money to invest in doing more adventure work, while real companies who make billions a year are always looking to cut costs, something PCs don't really get much opportunity to do. PCs can't mass produce their product to increase sales, so there's a noticeable limit on how much the PCs effort is worth.

PF2 puts a value in how much you are worth through each level, but if your playing less meta you might be able to negotiate for better prices, lower cost at stores you help out and higher rewards for desperate nobles who need work done. Never forget though, the .1% are indeed rich enough to buy crazy things, like +3resilient adamantine armor they can't even really use, it's just for display. So it's good to keep in mind there will be others who have as much or more money then the PCs at anytime, yet things generally continue on for everyone all the same.

It's not unreasonable that if your PCs start to disrupt things by making more and spending less to amass wealth they attract the attention of individuals or groups who don't want to share that space. Being targeted by a thieves and assassin's guild because you start being a threat to a trade guilds buying power or a nobles influence could be a nice adventure arc for a group.

I really like that answer, thank you!

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If the player characters are basically murder hobos, than money should be important, but I have the feeling that money is kinda a game mechanic (you want to make the game easier, you give the PCs more gold to buy equipment, if you want to make the game harder, you give them less money and maybe even static not suboptimal equipment).

So how do you deal with money?

Does the local economy in your game make sense?
Can your high level players collect enough loot, in a session, that would be more than the total gdp of a larger country?

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Deadmanwalking wrote:

Actually, galleys crewed by non-slaves were far more common in the ancient world than those crewed by slaves...

Galley slaves did exist, but were never super common or necessary for galleys to work.

Galleys were around till the end of the 18th century, after 1600+ as far as I know, it was manned with mostly political and other type of prisoners. Think of the: "Papillon".

You need to have a pretty good administration to find an escaped slave/prisoner and return him/her to his/her place, (some kind of legal documentation needs to exist and every "citizen" needs to be counted etc.). And as you said, in ancient times once a slave escaped it was pretty much free. And ancient galleys (as far as I understand) once they rammed one another, the oarmen equipped weapons and boarded the attacked ship, you can't do that with slaves.

But all of this is moot, if there aren't any/much galleys in the inner sea (which surprises me, since they were used till the 18th century as ships of war).

Deadmanwalking wrote:
Economically, slavery is actually only really useful in very specific contexts, none of which Absalom really has at the moment. It's usually more profitable to pay workers for their work than it is to pay for a slave and then all their food, clothing, and other maintenance.

I disagree with you on that VERY strongly. I have seen modern day slavery, it is not a pretty sight.

Deadmanwalking wrote:

Which makes it a political rather than economic decision, and one that was made in response to specific events. I find it pretty plausible in context.

Yeah, that's true.

Deadmanwalking wrote:

Badgers are apparently only illegal to export, so a badger importer would apparently be fine.

Damn! :-D I need to find another minor administrative nuisance. :-D

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Thank you very much! Highly appreciated! :)

On slavery:
I am wondering what galleys are doing? Galleys without oarmen (whom are usually slaves) don't really work. So I guess they transport wares with galleys to other ports, where they reload on to a "brig" which sails to Absalom.

And I think even in our "civilised world" debt slavery was kept till the 19th century or something... completely abolishing slavery in its entirity doesn't sound very practical, or profitable...
[But obviously as a childrens game (Pathfinder that is) it is the right thing to do.]

I think I will have a smugling ring who brings in some illegal items (like badgers) through flying carpets (or somthing similar) in my adventure. :)
And I will make a "Big Bad Boss" who is going to be a legal Pesh merchant. Who tries to use the PCs as law enforcers for his cause.

I think my PCs would like that. All those goody-two-shoes, Lawful Good paladin types. :-D
I heard only good things about the first adventure in the AP, I sure hope, the rest of them are good too. :-S

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I have started to prepare for our Edgewatch game and I was wondering what are the laws in Absalom concerning slave trade and Pesh (and other narcotic substances) trade?

Is there some general information about the laws in Absalom that we know?
(For example:
a Stealing always bad and gets punished,
b protecting property is always a priority for the city watch,
c only the rich get the benefits of the city patrouille etc.)

If the city guards find an alchemist with unknown substances what would happen, would they:
confiscate it for testing and if proven that the wares are "safe" returned to the owner?
or would the wares get automatically destroyed? (like food in an airport today).


If you are a mecrhant do you need to pay a percentage of your wares (10%) or do you need to pay with coins and who decides what the total worth of the merchants wares are?
What happens if you try to smugle?
What happens if you try to avoid taxes/tolls/"duty costs"), what is the punishment?
Do small farmers/sellers get taxed too (girl selling apples, old woman selling eggs etc.)?


What safeguards are there for the merchants? Are there several merchants guilds (one for Katapesh, one for cheliax etc.)
Are there merchant consortiums who specialise only on one type of ware (like slaves, jewels and gemstones, armor and weapons etc.).


Is there a difference between the port authorities and the "road" authorities?
(It used to be easier to inspect ships, and thus easier to demand the "right" amount of tax, toll, "duty costs" and thus ships used to pay a different amount than carriages, coaches, wagons, caravans etc.).


How easy is it to smugle large amount of cheap stuff into the city and thus avoid the authorities? (Like smugling flour, firewood, ale/beer... cheap stuff with large volume, hard to transport stuff).


What is the amount of public magical transport (portals, teleportation etc.)?
How are they regulated and who is running them?

What is the amount of flying transport (dragons, flying carpets, balloons etc.)?
How are they regulated and who is running them?
And because you can see if someone is flying into the city who is taxing them?


What are the regulations about animals? Can you have chickens, pigs, cows etc. inside the city?
If there is an animal plague (like madcow disease, or tapeworms i pigs) who regulates the in city animals?

What about monsters like chimaeras, manticores, dragons etc?

Is there city wide pest control and/or ratcatchers?


Is there a lockdown when the gates are closed for the night?
Is there a curfew when it is expected that people go to sleep? (Except for predetermined areas, like bars, locals, taverns, etc.)


If a horse dies on one of the main roads, and the owner leaves it there, whose responsibility is it to "clean the carcass up"?
Is it part of local government (if such a thing even exists), in this case the district, or is there an all encompassing city wide governing body who takes care of such matters (cleaning roads, maintaining safety, ensuring a safe market environment etc.)?

I would be interested in reading a couple of threads from people who are working on or have published "PF2" modules?

What were their challenges, what obstacles came up during the creation process etc.

James Jacobs wrote:
Mantriel wrote:

Are you going to announce new PF products for 2021 (any time soon)?

I am very happy with Edgewatch and Kingmaker, I am just curious.

I asked this already in December here:

We've always announced lots of products for the next year during Paizo con, and in fact I think that there'll be some announcements right now on the stream on our Twitch channel.

I haven't seen any announcements, did I miss it?

Or should I just wait till Monday, when it is all over the "news"?

I honestly don't know why I care at all about this, maybe you have an answer?

Are you going to announce new PF products for 2021 (any time soon)?
I am very happy with Edgewatch and Kingmaker, I am just curious.

I asked this already in December here:

I haven't watched the 6 hour Paizocon video yet (thats quite long), does anyone know if they have announced any new products for PF yet?

CrystalSeas wrote:

Those are usually announced at the Paizocon Saturday Night Banquet.

Thanks for the reply!

So I guess till late May, early June we won't have any info on what's coming up?

Did anyone hear any rumours or spoilers?

I really can't imagine what they are going to do next.
The only thing I am missing is the planar guidebook and that was one of the very last books released for 1e, so I guess it is nowhere near the top of the release schedule for 2e.

For some reason I got the feeling, on one of the paizo fridays, that Adam Daigle might be working on a book about one of the other continents (Arcadia???), but aside from that I have no idea.

Any guesses?

So Paizocon is cancelled I think. Anyone knows when Paizo might release more info on upcoming books?

Thanks for the replies!

Feros wrote:

Given the number of titles out there currently using this approach (The Magicians, Harry Potter, Dresden Files, etc.), "modern fantasy" comes to mind: Essentially it is realism slightly skewed.

It is an incredibly diverse field.

I googled modern fantasy, it seems to be only contemporary.

I was hoping for something Tolkienesque, like Golarion, Eberron, Forgotten Realms etc ("high fantasy") just... "rational" I guess?

Is it maybe "Hard Fantasy"?
I just googled it, by accident.

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I am looking for an expression/word/something to describe this "thing"/phenomenon.

If I have a high fantasy setting (Golarion, Forgotten Realms, Ptolus, Eberron whatever) some of the adventures are "neutral" fantasy.

Let me explain.

There is "dark fantasy", "high fantasy", "grim fantasy" etc.
what do you call the type of fantasy that is "neutral", everyday, kinda boring?

Like, when Hollywood decided to remake the Three Musketeer movie, or to remake the Robin Hood movie they decided just regular old "historical fiction" wouldn't be enough they need to make it steampunk, and an archer can shoot (accurately)4+ arrows at once, Richelieu has a flying fortress etc.

What type of fantasy is a fantasy setting where people behave normally, everything is kinda logical and maybe even boring. It doesn't have to be "low" fantasy (the level of magic isn't a factor), it doesn't have to be dark or gritty (it is realistic, but still there are Tolkienesque elves and dwarves and so on?

A fantasy setting which resembles regular historical fiction, with Tolkienesque creatures, some kind of magic system (high or low), some kind or realism (gritty or not) with some kind of antagonists (dark fantasy or not).

With other words the most dominant "factor" in describing the setting is its the most "realistic", historical fiction like?

Luis Loza wrote:
Mantriel wrote:

...will promote it in detail, but if some of the Paizo higher ups could give us some description (like: "1/3 crunch, 1/3 Golarion fluff, 1/3 generic fluff, or something similar) would be nice.

If it is 100% Golarion fluff I will pass.
About 1/4 of the book will include crunch, though the majority of this crunch is tied to the characters featured in the book. The rest of the book is Golarion-specific flavor.


I love your work, keep it up! :)

Ezekieru wrote:
Thankfully, you can find most of the mechanically-relevant content on the online SRDs, like AoN or EasyTools. They tend to come out a week or so after the street date, so if you're short on money and only want the mechanical stuff, there's that.

I am happy to buy the books if I will use it. It costs almost as much for me to print it out as buying it and having a cover (hard or soft) is always a plus.

None of my players speak English well enough that there might be a chance that they go to Pathfinderwiki or Archive of Nethys (I am not familiar with EasyTools) to tweak their characters or that they immerse themselves in the lore.

If I don't buy it, it "doesn't exist".
If I don't retell it (the story and the lore I mean) it doesn't exist.

Which means I will probably never read through AoN just to find a rule, that I probably will be able to adjudicate ad hoc anyway.

Staffan Johansson wrote:

My understanding is that Legends will be similar to the archetypes presented in Lost Omens Character Guide, except instead of being based on organizations, they're based around characters. And not limited to archetypes, but also including spells, gear, and similar things (LOCG had some of that, but more).

So, let's say the book has a section on the Black Triune ruling Nidal. It would not have stats for these, but it would have information about their shadow magic, relics they can "loan" to characters, and things like that. Legends is part of the Lost Omens product line, so I would expect everything in it to be steeped in Golarion lore, though you could probably file off the serial numbers on many of the things and adapt them to other settings.

Thanks for the info! I would love to read your source(s). (Know Direction Luis Loza interview? I haven't watched it yet).

If it is more crunch than fluff, it is more than welcome. If it is the other way around (more fluff than crunch), I really don't need it.

IMHO splitting up the Lost Omens books into 3 smaller "booklets" and all hard cover made it way to expansive for me. I am more than happy to skip one or two. (I guess the Absalom book will be in the Lost Omens line, I hope it will be as awesome as Ptolus was).

Hmm wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Legends isn't a NPC stat book. It's a book about player-side stuff related to those NPCs you can pick/acquire/learn, from what I understand.

I am understandably biased because I worked on this one, but I hope you give it a chance. I loved working on this book.


Could you tell something about it? I understand you have NDAs and when the book comes out "Paizo Blog", "Pathinder Fridays" and "Know Direction" ...

(is there anyone else, another blogger/vlogger with whom I am not familiar with? I'm kinda new to Pathfinder/Paizo.)

...will promote it in detail, but if some of the Paizo higher ups could give us some description (like: "1/3 crunch, 1/3 Golarion fluff, 1/3 generic fluff, or something similar) would be nice.
If it is 100% Golarion fluff I will pass.

All I know it is about NPCs, which I really need like the Monster Codex, but I really don't need something like the "Pathfinder Society Primer" or the Organisations from the Lost Omens Character Guide (Although I must admit, the Hellknights are really cool, I love to use them. And the Knights of Lastwall are great aswell).

Thanks for the replies! Just what I was looking for.

I don't see anything obvious missing (beyond those already mentioned). I guess they will make "Horror Adventures", "Ship Adventures", "Undersea Adventures", "Underdark Adventures" (I forgot the Golarion name of it) etc., all tied to an AP or something, with additional Golarion Lost Omens books (Cheliax Book, and "Shining Kingdoms" book etc.) to support it.

Well I'm game. I really can't imagine that my gaming group would ever need those, but as a collector of 2e it sounds interesting.

Monster Codex and "Planar Adventures" are the two books I am missing now the most as a GM (beside GM Guide, APG and Bestiary 2 ofc).

Rysky wrote:

Yep yep.

It’s a lore book with (maybe) some mechanics for players and GMs. Maybe.

Gorbacz wrote:
Legends isn't a NPC stat book. It's a book about player-side stuff related to those NPCs you can pick/acquire/learn, from what I understand.

Any guesses what books will come after that?

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I bought every 2e book so far and I am loving them. (I have some quibbles with the AP, but nothing I can't fix). I am looking forward to the Bestiary 2, Gamemastery Guide, the Absalom Guide and the Advanced Players Guide,...
but I was wondering what will the future bring.

The fourth Lost Omens book doesn't really appeal to me (Legends: with High lvl NPCs) and to be honest after the Absalom AP our gaming group will have more than enough material to play for several years without adding anything new (well except for house rules and homebrew ofc.).

What do you think what books will come after Gencon?

Except for the Planar Guide I can't even imagine what our group might need.

James Jacobs wrote:
Mantriel wrote:

Could you talk about Demons, Daemons, Devils and angels on one of the "Pathfinder Fridays" Twitch streams? Perhaps even about the Alghollthu, The Astral Plane/Aeons, Psychopmops, the Boneyard, Heaven, Nirvana & Elysium, Hell & Abyss)

This is still a topic that is confusing to me and I can't really explain it to my players. It would be cool to have a video where you explain it all and I could just point to it, so my players could get all their questions answered.

(I have read Planar Adventures).

Thanks in advance, either way!

So far, I'm not the one making the decisions on those shows' themes. I'd be willing to talk about anything and everything Pathfinder related, of course, but I don't make those decisions. Let your preference be known in the comment threads on those videos, or let Payton or others on the marketing team know, and that will help more than me saying in-house "I like to talk about demons and monsters."

So you won't be talking about it till the "Epic level" book comes out, or the " Lost Omens Planar Guide".

Thanks anyway!

Could you talk about Demons, Daemons, Devils and angels on one of the "Pathfinder Fridays" Twitch streams? Perhaps even about the Alghollthu, The Astral Plane/Aeons, Psychopmops, the Boneyard, Heaven, Nirvana & Elysium, Hell & Abyss)

This is still a topic that is confusing to me and I can't really explain it to my players. It would be cool to have a video where you explain it all and I could just point to it, so my players could get all their questions answered.

(I have read Planar Adventures).

Thanks in advance, either way!

Is there a list of all of the amphibious and/or aquatic monsters?

Shouldn't the Sea Serpent be classified as "aquatic"? (I guess this is a "typo").

Does anyone have a list of all of the new names they came up with (Shauagins are Sea Devils, Svirfenblin are Deep Gnomes etc.)?

I am not familiar with Golarion and Pathfinder enough yet (I preordered 2e in May, it will hopefully come in 2-3 weeks. :-/). I watched every video and listened to every interview with you in them, but I still don't quite understand religions, the outer planes (especially the astral planes), aasimars, angels, devils, demons (daemons???) etc.

If my group would like to play mainly divine based characters {4 out of 5 worshiping Irori (one a paladin, one a monk, one a divine sorcerer, one a cleric) the fifth one would like to play as a Halfling Rogue}, how could I incorporate angels and the gods in general into our Age of Ashes campaign? (I thought maybe the main questgivers are members of their church and some church higher ups are aasimars, or even angels etc.)

Could you point me to something(s) on the wiki in the meantime, till my book finally arrives to understand this whole topic better, especially incorporating angels to our Age of Ashes campaign?
I don't understand the differences between general "Forgotten Realms" type "religion" and Golarion style "religion" and I have a feeling that they are quite different.

Thanks for your time and answer.

Did anyone get their hands on the books in Germany?
Not even Amazon germany seems to have the books here. I asked a couple online stores and a couple brick stores, I couldn't find anyone who has them.

Should I have oredered them directly from Paizo? o.O

I have been told my friendly local online shop still doesn't have the Products. I am guessing they will get it eventually, but I am starting to regret not ordering it from the USA.

Anyone from Germany around here, who has a good source to order the books?

I am surprised this got necroed.
Thanks for the advice folks!

blahpers wrote:

There is no quintessential story trope a successful RPG must be able to emulate. I wouldn't deign to impose such a restriction as it would unnecessarily restrict the creativity of RPG designers and possibly prevent me from discovering an otherwise awesome game that happened to be geared toward something else.

Not sure about "most often". There are a metric sackload of RPGs out there and I've only played a handful and am passingly familiar with maybe a couple of dozen of them. A lot of RPGs that fail to be successful do so for reasons other than trope coverage--bad rule design, substandard copy, or the usual assortment of near-random effects that can cause an otherwise fine product to fail in the market. Of the games I'm passingly familiar or better with, standard party Sw&So fantasy, monster horror, and comic book superhero-types are the most common.

I seem to have asked it poorly. I try it again.

If you play an RPG, what type of story would you like to be able to play with it?

I was wondering, when it comes to stories (tropes, types, genres etc.) what kind of stories do RPGs emulate most often? Or what do you think are the most quintessential stories a successful RPG (horror, fantasy, Sci-Fi etc.) should be able to emulate?

01. There is Conan the barbarian power fantasy, big muscular guy beats everyone and and takes their money and girls.
02. Knights of the Roundtable quest in the countryside against evil witches and monsters.
03. Indiana Jones, Nathan Drake, Lara Croft etc. tomb raider/archaeologist gets into trouble.
04. The party of four (cleric, fighter, mage and thief) sit in an inn and a mysterious employer offers them an employment opportunity.
05. Han Solo and Chewbacca are travelling the universe, running away from authorities and stealing from the bad guys. (Basically Robin Hood).
06. The chosen one saves the country/world/universe (Matrix, Star Wars, Harry Potter, etc.).
07. Coming of age, young adult fiction (Harry Potter, Twilight, Hunger Games etc.).
08. There is a big war and the PCs are soldiers in it. (Every war movie ever).
09. Cold War spy vs. spy. (I would say James Bond is a mixture of this + Conan + Han Solo)
10. Martial artist "monk" fights against evil men.
11. Clans, houses or families fight for survival (Werewolves vs. vampires, Godfather families, etc.)
12. Western. A band of few fight against a band of many. (7 samurai, war movies/books, western etc.).
13. Horror alà Stephen King (a car becomes hunted, a cemetary becomes hunted etc.)
14. Religious horror (the anti-christ comes, kingdom come is upon us).
15. Battletech, Godzilla, Evangelion etc. giant things fight against each other.
16. Intrigue (Game of Thrones, War of the Roses, Borgias, Family feuds etc.)
17. Ship encounters (Star Trek, Master and Commander, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica etc.) + everything pirate.
18. Portals open to other worlds (Stargate,
19. Mystery and the unknown (X-Files, Fringe, Black Mirror etc.)
20. Angels and demons (Supernatural, Ghostbusters,
21. Cthulhu
22. Philip Marlowe like detective stories (Dresden Files, Constantine etc.)
23. Superheroes (Superman, Batman etc.)
24. Antropomorphic (Mouse Guard, Redguard, Mice and Mytsics etc.)
25. Comdey + Satire (Discworld, Paranoia, etc.)
26. Arabian Nights (Sindbad etc.)
27. Asian/eastern (Legend of the Five Rings, Shogun etc.)
28. Alternate History (Germany won WW2, the Soviets won the Cold War etc.)
29. Fallout + Mad Max type post apocalypse
30. Zombie apocalypse

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I probably will DM to bunch young teenagers PF2 - who are new to P&PRPGs - when PF2 comes out and I am pretty sure they don't have the attention span to play a "campaign", so I was thinking about running one-shot adventure tropes/clichés.

But I am having a hard time thinking of major tropes/clichés.

What are the most iconic/trope-y(?)/clichés-y adventure ideas you can think of?

A couple of mine:
01. Ratmen in the sewers.
02. Goblins are raiding merchants.
03. Orcs are pillaging the countryside
04. Hobgoblin army is on the march.
05. A wizard lost control of it's tower.
06. Occultists are kidnapping people.
07. A haunted dwarven mine offers treasure.
08. There is a sunken pirate ship nearby.
09. The PCs attend a royal masked ball.
10. A powerful artifact has to be retrieved from a giant tomb.
11. A necromancer is raising undead in a nearby cemetery.
12. Monsters are attacking farmers/herders.
13. The PCs travel through a forest, a cave, on a river/sea, below the sea, a jungle, a swamp, etc.
14. Dragonlings/kobolds are collecting treasure for their dragon "god".
15. Fey are causing mischief.
16. The PCs need to infiltrate a castle/camp.
17. The PCs are arrested for a crime they didn't commit.
18. The PCs need to gather ingredients for a potion.
19. The home of the PCs is attacked, they need to defend it.
20. Parts of a powerful artifact is scattered around Golarion and the Pcs need to find it.
21. A portal to another world is open, and the PCs need to close it.

Yeah, it would be cool to get it on Aug. 1st as well.

CrystalSeas wrote:

The Pathfinder Wiki often pulls together information from multiple soruces and presents a coherent article about the topic

Pathfinder Wiki

Which in this particular case doesn't really help.

One of my players would like to play a monk. We are new to Golarion (we will start with 2e in the Age of Ashes AP). In what books could I find info about monks in Golarion?

Do all of the core 20 deities have monk followers/orders? Are there different monk "types" working for a "single" deity (fighting monks, secular monks, healing monks, working monks, etc.)? Are there atheist monks?

Outside of the core 20 which gods have large number of monk followers/orders.


The player will probably play with an Irori Monk, but I thought it might be a good idea to make more research, but the information is scattered into multiple books beside of "Inner Sea Gods", "Gods and Magic", "Faiths of Golarion" and "Faiths of Balance".

Thanks for the replies!
I hope they will release more compiled APs for 2e.
Shattered Star and Curse of the Crimson Throne would be awesome.

Paizo is a profit oriented company and thus, if a product doesn't sell they won't create more of that type.

Do we have any "sales numbers" or anything similar for PF1e? I have heard the Tian Xia Adventure Path didn't sell very well and that is the reason why they didn't expand Tian Xia that much. Do you guys know of similar decisions, or what sold really well (except for Kingmaker and Curse of the Crimson Throne updated edition)?

I would hate to buy, read and love a product, just to find out that the Paizo crew has moved on and doesn't support the product with new material anymore.

If I remember it correctly, Eric Mona hinted it at one of the Twitch streams that they will release "obvious products" as soon as possible. I guess they will wait half a year to collect all of the initial player feedback before they release a box "which is usually not profitable" (unlike books).

James Jacobs wrote:
I suspect that we'll have more to say about this next week at Paizocon. If you're not going, keep an eye on the internet for news, I suppose, but now's not the time to reveal the release plans.

Thanks for the reply! I live in the EU and I have never played PF before, so attending Paizocon would have been an overkill. :-P

Have a great time!

j b 200 wrote:
Don't forget that if you have a subscription for the APs you get a 15% discount on all other purchases. If you're going to be buying it anyways a subscription is the way to go.

Yeah. I live in the EU, so shipping is a huge factor (and custom/duty/tariff).

If there is a deal (for example the pdfs are for free or something) I would reconsider it. But right now I am happy with my friendly local online retailer. :-D

I am sorry if you can't answer this question, I just wasn't sure whom to ask (I mean Eric Mona obviously, but I don't know how I could ask him).
What are the release plans for PF2e? (I guess it will depend on sales, and nothing is set in stone yet, but anyway...)

One hardcover every quarter, one world setting book every quarter and one adventure path module every month? With an adventure/module here and there in between?

I am asking because I was trying to change systems (to PF) for quite some time now unsuccessfully, but with the release of PF2E all of my players are on board and are happy to switch. I preordered all of the 2E books released in August and I am a bit excited. :-D Also I would like to know how much money I will have to put aside every month.

Thanks either way (you can answer and you can't)!

I am trying to put money aside for Pathfinder 2e.

If I would like to buy everything from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game/Pathfinder Rulebook, the Pathfinder Adventure Path and all of the setting materials, how much money should I put aside each month? (No pawns, flip mats, miniatures, cards, character sheets, modules or society scenarios.)

I guess one campaign setting book every quarter for 25$ (perhaps every two months?)
One new big hardcover every quarter for 55$
Adventure Path each month for 25$
I am not sure about the companion line.

25*0.5+55*0,25+2=51,25$ each month?


I was thinking about running a solo game of Council of Thieves with PF1 rules.
I am "new" to PF, what type of books should I use, if I am considering using an all good aligned, "divine focused" characters (paladin, cleric, divine sorcerer, monk hunter with a spiritual beast)?
Should I use the core rulebook only?
Should I use the Ultimate Campaign or other similar sourcebooks (I am not familiar with any of them)?

Arc Riley wrote:
Got them: mirror (Google Drive)

Thank you! Although I still would like to see the Ranger and the Monk ones.

It would be fun to do RotRL in 2E, I would also love to see a final product.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Could you please release the pregens?
Thank you!

Chris Lambertz wrote:
Currently investigating where this got dropped and re-confirming with relevant parties what should be available. As soon as I have this resolved they'll be added to and I'll update this thread.

I hope you will get an answer soonish, my playgroup would like to start playing on Tuesday and it would be nice to compare our character sheets with the pregens to see if we made any mistakes.

Paladin, Sorcerer, Monk & Ranger

I have found the paladin one on Enworld, it would be cool to have the rest.