Help a Noob


Hello everyone

First i would like to thank you for any help given

This is my first time playing Pathfinder Kingmaker. Truth be told, its one of the few D&D based games ive ever played at all. I was a late entry to the TTRPG world. I didnt start gaming until i was almost into my 30s. So i dont have the experience most of you guys have... And this will be my first time playing online with a program called Fantasy Grounds...

Ok as to my question:

I always like playing spellcasters. The few times i have played i either used a Wizard, a Cleric, or a Paladin. This time around i tried sorcerer for the first time. Part of setting up a sorcerer is selecting its bloodline. When i selected my class something came up saying dragon disciple and this grabbed my attention. So the DM who was walking me through the FG program guided me to setup my character with dragon disciple in mind. Ok i got the character sheet set up. We had a learning session this past Saturday. We will game this coming one. I have since been reading different pathfinder books and one i came to brought me here.

Ultimate Magic. In ultimate magic it gives the option for a draconic bloodline sorcerer to have Linnorm blood in his rather than the blood of civilized dragons. It also gives a racial trait that will replace claws.

To my actual question... It says "True dragons blast their foes with rays of energy." What energy is that? Also the only research on Linnorm that i can find outside of this is with an ENTIRELY different bloodline. Almost everything i can find with Linnorm is with the bloodline arcana. With using the Linnorm from ultimate magic, do i still select like a gold, red, white, or whatever dragon? Is there a sonic Linnorm i can select from? Is there anywhere i can find out more specifically about the draconic bloodline Linnorm? Im sorry for all the questions...i am still a noob to table top gaming, pathfinder, FG, and all of it really. I do know how to use google, but i can find shockingly little on the setup. There is tons of information on Linnorm with a different bloodline. But not the draconic bloodline Linnorm.

Is it just up to my GM to decide?

I dont care if this will prevent me from going dragon disciple. I really want to do that setup but i just cant find any direction. I can send my GM a link to this so he can see your replies if he needs to do something...

Since this is more of a rules question than a Kingmaker-specific question, you'll probably get better answers in the general Pathfinder forum.

speaker4thedead#8474 wrote:

Hello everyone

To my actual question... It says "True dragons blast their foes with rays of energy." What energy is that? Also the only research on Linnorm that i can find outside of this is with an ENTIRELY different bloodline.

The Linnorm bloodline is a wildblooded variant of the draconic bloodline. So you are a draconic bloodline sorcerer, you pick what energy damage type you want to have from that. Then you make whatever changes that the Linnorm bloodline makes to the draconic bloodline.

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