DM Carbide |
Dot in here when you've signed up.
Galandir |
The half-elf (a very elven looking half-elf) wears a chain shirt, and carries a short sword and a heavy shield.
"I am Galandir. I am a scout and warrior, of some diverse training."
Ftr/Rog with TWF; has Trap Spotter for an automatic check at +13 and will also make active checks at doors. Spending 2 PP on a Wand of CLW.
DM Carbide |
Still waiting to hear from the 4th player; I PMed them a little bit ago. I'll get things going, though.
The trip to Jalmeray was as uneventful as such things usually are in the least nothing worthy of note in the Chronicles happened. Your destination, the city of Padiskar near the northern tip of the Isle of Jalmeray, is not so much a city as a ring of small villages surrounding a massive, howling ruin, from which terrifying screams of whatever the Vudrani Maharaja Khiben-Sald left there in ancient times can still be heard. The new Venture-Captain, Vasuman Mihir, maintains a small safe house for the Pathfinder Society here, taking over from Padiskar’s longtime Venture-Captain Aamina Shahrazad, who was recently murdered by men loyal to Zamir, a bandit lord and rumored Aspis Consortium agent who operates out of the nearby jungles.
Venture-Captain Mihir’s briefing was short and serious.
“This is a fake scepter of the arclords,” he said, hefting a bejeweled staff in his hands bearing glowing runes across its surface. “You will lead a caravan toward Niswan carrying this false relic and several crates of minor magical items. My porter, a young boy named Waman, will give you a detailed travel itinerary, which you must follow with care. Except that it is almost certain that you will be ambushed before you reach your destination, since young Waman is a spy for the Aspis Consortium and has sold out and murdered a dozen or more of our brethren and associates, including our former venture-captain—-I’m sure of it. The scepter is bait in a trap, and you are the teeth. Do not let on to Waman that you know of his transgressions-—we need him to lead us to his master, the bandit lord Zamir. We’ll either make Zamir our man or disrupt his business permanently. I’ll deal with Waman myself once this affair is resolved.”
Venture-Captain Mihir held up a second item, a plain-looking but easily recognizable wayfinder. “This wayfinder is also a fake, although unlike the scepter, it does have real power. The dial always points to the scepter.” Mihir demonstrated, moving the wayfinder in a circle around the scepter, the needle pointing unerringly at it.
“Waman gave Zamir information that enabled the bandit fool to steal artifacts from dozens of our caravans and even from safe houses such as this one. Zamir has a method of disassembling the artifacts so that he can smuggle them off the island with ease, bound for ports of call in Cheliax. What we do not know is where Zamir is, since he never attacks with his men.
“I gave Waman the information about your journey, so at some point along the route, Zamir’s bandits will ambush you. Previous experience indicates that his bandits will not kill if they don’t have to. Let them steal the scepter. You must put up a small struggle, maybe even kill or injure several of his men, but most importantly you must let them escape and they must escape with the scepter.
“Give them a few hours after the ambush to escape and then use the wayfinder to track Zamir to his hideout. Zamir is an arrogant man whose loyalties lie with whoever can make him famous to the people of Jalmeray. Right now he believes the Aspis Consortium is the answer. You will either convince him that the Society is the answer—as he could be a very powerful ally in the region—or you’ll end his operations for good. How you handle it, I leave to you. Good luck on your journey and may the gods guide your hand.”
He passes over the wayfinder and stows the false scepter in a crate. "Any questions before you set out?"
Xuan Wu |
Xuan, who looks more likely a vaguely humanoid boulder clad in a robe than a human being, scratches his chin thoughtfully.
"Got it. So resist, but not so vigorously that they get scared, and fail to complete their theft. Then, track them down, and 'persuade' them to stop, one way or the other. Allying is preferable, but removing a board piece is better than letting the game proceed as it currently is."
Kimlo Grimmerkin |
"What? Two dwarfs, an oread and a half elf?" "We aren't exactly the talking type. We got one way to make a deal and that's with axe and bow." "Might feel a little better about things if one of us could use a healing stick." "Any place around here sale cheap healing potions?"
Don't know if this is possible, can i use 2 prestige points for 750g worth of healing potions?
Dwalin Ranger CORE |
"What? Two dwarfs, an oread and a half elf?" "We aren't exactly the talking type. We got one way to make a deal and that's with axe and bow." "Might feel a little better about things if one of us could use a healing stick." "Any place around here sale cheap healing potions?"
Don't know if this is possible, can i use 2 prestige points for 750g worth of healing potions?
if you get a wand I can use it
Zuheilen |
A young lady dressed smartly in the colors of a cleric of Sarenrae enters the room and approaches the group, I was passing and, sorry to eavesdrop, heard that you may need some assistance on your quest. My schedule is clear and I would be happy to join you to bring back the warlord.
Stregone Il'Mago - pf1 core |
A taller halfling with brown hair and a short beard wanders in, adjusting his ridiculous collar and gold chain necklace.
"Sorry I am late, spot of bother with the monkies in the jungle. I do have a question, good venture-person. What is the most important thing that we need to know about this caper that we would never think to ask?"
He looks around the room, noting his team mates this round - and nods.
"Also, aside from the sceptre and tracker, do you have any other material support for us this trip?" He rubs his index finger and thumb together in a circular motion as he asks.
Stregone is your arcane support for this mission. He can also Lie, Schmooze, and use magic devices. Doesn't know how they work, though.
Kimlo Grimmerkin |
"Well heck, I have to ask. If this Waman fella got all the caravans attacked, why not just get rid of his double crossing presence? Then this Zamir won't have any info to attack the caravans. Is this Waman that good of a guide that the caravans won't be able to run without him? I and Torag would want justice for his treachery."
Kimlo pulls the mace hanging at his belt up and starts to inspect it. But he says, "He got good men killed and for money. Seems like families would want closure."
Galandir |
"The Society would rather win Zamir to their side; as a current ally of the Aspis Consortium, he may even have information the Society could use.
I understand your desire for justice, Kimlo. But that is not the goal of Society. We have no legal authority here in Jalmeray, and if it were to become known that we are crusaders trying to enforce the law of Torag (or Abadar, or whoever) wherever we go then the Society would have far less freedom to operate.
I would prefer to focus on what is our mission rather than on what is right and just.
There are certainly missions that I would decline to accept. I don't think this need be one of them, however."
Galandir is NG when it comes to decisions that he is free to make, but he generally puts the mission above his own moral compass.
Kimlo Grimmerkin |
"Don't worry, Galandir. I will do my part in the mission. I just had to ask. The society is valuing their connections over the lives of agents. It's no crusade for me. It is just how the society does business. It boils down to understanding the situation and finding a way to fit into it. It is not the way I would choose but it is a way I will walk."
Kimlo is no paladin or crusader. He just hates seeing traitors get away with betrayal. Loyalty is very important.
DM Carbide |
"You have two days to prepare and buy any extra supplies or items you think you need. If you think of anything other questions before you leave, you know where to find me." The Venture-Captain turns you loose in Padiskar.
DM Carbide |
Venture-Captain Mihir will share with the party that Zamir is a rebel and a bandit, and the people of Padiskar know him from his youth as a fool who desires fame above all else. "That's why I think his loyalty to the Aspis Consortium is thin, at best, and there's a chance he can be brought to our side rather than simply slain."
In the city, Stregone hears that Zamir is rumored to be a weretiger, or perhaps even a rakshasa.
Kimlo Grimmerkin |
Would Stregone let the others know about the possible weretiger or rakshasa rumors?
"I have a little gold to spend. I would like to get some useful items for our trip. Anyone have any suggestions? I got the wound curing stick already, never hurts to prepare.
DM Carbide |
Does anyone else want to do anything in town before setting out?
Kimlo Grimmerkin |
Kimlo will buy an alchemically silvered battle axe, and 3 alchemical fires.
"Thanks for the info. Not sure how to use this news. I don't know anything about either of those creatures. But now I have cold iron, silver and fire. Something aught to hurt it. But hopefully you can talk him over to our side."
Kimlo is ready to depart.
DM Carbide |
The party is able to find Waman at the safe house, and he provides you with a map and instructions on how to guide the caravan to Niswan.
At the end of the second long day of travel through rough hills, a campsite comes into view. Smoke curls upward from a small fire, where a man is tending a roast on a spit (from the smell, it's well-spiced). Three more humans are setting out bedrolls, and four mules are picketed beside a pile of sacks and bundles nearby. As it happens, they're camped at what the party thinks is the best ambush site along the route described in Waman's itinerary.
What do you do?
Galandir |
Survival: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
Galandir will quietly share his observations with the party.
"The longest way while still having a pretense of trying to get to our destination."
Is Waman actually here with us, or did his involvement end at giving us the route?
Galandir has sword and shield out. He holds positions and does not approach the other group yet.
"What do we think? Are these our ambushers, with a facade of being fellow travelers, or are they just in the wrong place at the wrong time?"
He looks around for other enemies hiding in the brush nearby.
Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18
DM Carbide |
Waman isn't accompanying the party; it'd look suspicious if he was always the only survivor, so he just sets things up in Padiskar.
Galandir doesn't see any signs of lurking ambushers.
Kimlo Grimmerkin |
Kimlo shrugs, "Ambush or not we have to go through the area."
"Who would like to do our talking? I would like to know this guy's story and get a read on him."
Kimlo has his shield and hammer out.
DM Carbide |
Dwalin likewise notices nothing hidden.
DM Carbide |
Is anyone going to try to talk to the unknown group?
Kimlo Grimmerkin |
"Remember the scepter box and remember the plan. Try not to kill or be killed. Now, let's go hear this man's story." Kimlo whispers to the caravan pathfinders before we get too close.
Who of our group has the wayfinder we need to track the scepter?
Kimlo Grimmerkin |
"I'll greet the guy. If I get into trouble, Zuheilen could you help? I am not gifted with a golden tongue. But here goes nothing..."
Kimlo will take a few steps forward until he is 30 feet or so from the guy and speak out, "Good day, fellow traveler. Do you mind if we join you here? Our caravan has been traveling all day and it is time we took a brief rest. Looks like you have a comfortable spot. We won't be long, just a short meal then we will continue on."
diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (19) - 1 = 18
Kimlo Grimmerkin |
What is the make up of our caravan? Do we have carts or wagons with animals pulling them or are their just porters carrying the crates? Also, I imagine a mountainous pass with trees lining the path, I don't know where I got that impression, but could you tell us a little more about the area? I also assume we are traveling to a port or another country via this pass. Where are we headed? I ooc am having difficulty asking road or weather questions. I don't know or remember in character where we are headed.
Kimlo gives his best friendly smile which looks more like a grimace. "Where are you headed and what are the roads like ahead?"
DM Carbide |
Zuheilen notices that the quartet aren't readying their own weapons yet. The cook waves the party over with a smile, speaking a phrase of Vudrani and then (when he notices the blank looks) continuing in accented Common. "Welcome! You are also merchants?" The other three don't say anything yet, but don't seem to be hostile.
Your group has a pair of wagons.
Galandir |
Galandir approaches alongside Kimlo, weapons not drawn. He watches the 'merchants' body language and listens for verbal cues.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
DM Carbide |
"Ah! A fine vocation. We are on our way to Padiskar, to sell carpets and cloth." Kimlo's greeting seems to have thawed their reserve a bit.
"We would certainly not mind sharing our campsite--there is enough room for all." He glances at the other three, who nod. "After all, there is strength in numbers--few bandits would attack so many, hm?"
Kimlo Grimmerkin |
"Yep, saftey in numbers and all. I have a carvan to move in. We will take that area over there. After we get settled I will come back and like to hear about the roads ahead." "Excuse me dentlemen."
sense motive: 1d20 ⇒ 15
Xuan Wu |
Xuan, knowing that any diplomatic discussion he gets involved with will have a tendency to go south quickly due to his inability to pick-up on social cues, does his best impression of a rock clad in robes.
Just making it clear that I am still around, even if I can't really contribute to the Diplomacy/Bluff situation going on here.
DM Carbide |
Kimlo doesn't notice anything suspicious or untoward about the merchants.
Kimlo Grimmerkin |
"I suggest we move up to the creek side in the Northwest of this clearing. Put the wagons along the creek. Let's make camp. Take care of the animals."
We would leave the special crate in the back of the rear wagon. And we would form a semi circle around the wagons. I will adjust Kimlo when I can.
DM Carbide |
The party sets up as Kimlo describes.
Are you setting watches, and if so what's the order?
Xuan Wu |
Happy to take middle watch, since I have darkvision, and a good Perception. Perhaps Galandir and Kyra should take 1st and 3rd watches, each supported by a Dwarf? That way, we spread out the Darkvision, and Perception modifiers.