I wrote a free splatbook here!

Homebrew and House Rules

Hello Pathfinders

I only just started posting to paizo now, but I've been reading the forums for a while and decided to spring a book of mine (with new spells, monster, and other junk) on you.

Classic Horrors Revisited--Revisited.pages

If the file didn't send, I could use some help.
I'd also love feedback if anyone's got it!

Silver Crusade

If you’re trying to post a link you gotta use

[ url= insert link here ] name of link that we click [ /url ]

Without the spaces.

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Thank you!

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Classic Horrors Revisited--Revisited

Cross-posting this to the homebrew forums.

Silver Crusade



I think it's a function of my laptop, but I can't post in the homebrew area.
If any of the devs move this there, that's fine, but no pressure.

Next time I write something worth sharing I'll post it in general discussions as well.

Everything is free.

Yar har fiddle-dee-dee.

Looks like this got moved--you guys are great!

Thanks again

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