Replay Discussion

Starfinder Society

Liberty's Edge 1/5 5/55/55/55/5 ** Venture-Captain, Illinois—Fairview Heights

I had a good discussion with one of my local VA's recently and we both thought it worthwhile to put on the boards based on some local player confusion that may not be isolated to our geographical area.

With the prevelance of replays currently available and upcoming between GM nova replays and SCS(Jadnura) replays, the replay for credit rules in the Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide have a seemingly lesser-referenced paragraph worth knowing, that I myself am guilty of violating through simple ignorance of what is written.

Replaying Adventures, Page 9 wrote:

You can receive up to two Chronicle sheets for a given adventure: one for playing an adventure and one for running the same adventure as a GM, regardless of how many times you play or run that specific adventure. A character may have no more than one copy of a Chronicle sheet applied to her. GMing adventures contributes to GM nova rewards even when it does not award additional Chronicle sheets (see page 17 for more information about GM novas).

In certain circumstances, you may need to replay an adventure you have already completed. The following rules determine when replaying Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild adventures is legal and what benefits you can gain from replaying. When using a replay credit, you may earn no more than one bonus Chronicle sheet per adventure.

You can only have 1 bonus copy of a chronicle from replays. In other words, if your -701 plays Live Exploration Extreme normally, you can only ever accumulate one additional bonus chronicle from a replay. So now your -702 happens to be SCS (Jadnura) and has tier one. They can then play Live Exploration Extreme, resulting in your first bonus chronicle for the same scenario. Now, you REALLY love Live Exploration Extreme, so you make a -703 and get them to tier 1 of SCS (Jadnura) so that you can play it again. You can't. You already have one bonus chronicle for playing that scenario. The only way you can play this again is only if you are the third and final player in order to make a table. In which case, you can play for no credit as outlined below.

Skipping down to relevant rewards section...

Replaying Adventures, Page 9 wrote:
Rewards: Replaying to make a legal table doesn’t earn any rewards. The Chronicle sheet for the adventure is a placeholder. It should note that the scenario has been replayed for no credit and awards no credits, Fame, Reputation, XP, boons, item access, or any other benefits or disadvantages. You must track consumables, purchases, and conditions acquired by playing the adventure. This is the only exception to not having two copies of the same Chronicle sheet assigned to one character.

So a valid no reward replay should not count against this. Keep in mind there are restrictions on when you can play for no credit. Keep in mind this can only be done if you are necessary to meet a minimum legal table. This would only apply to you being part of a 3 player table.

The SCS (Jadnura) boon even specifically references the replay rules on page 9 for using it.

I brought this up because this is exactly what I mistakenly did. To further complicate it, this brought one character to level 5, who then played a 5-8 scenario, meaning that if I were to undo shred the chronicle, then I have a tier 5-8 chronicle I wasn't eligible to play in. It's a mess to clean up my books for this in order to make myself legal.

All of this of course is separate from the GM chronicle, because that is not a bonus chronicle for a replay. Nor does this apply to the Repeatable scenario tag.

I welcome any feedback or corrections to my interpretation of the guide in this regard.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

PFS has the same system of never being able to get more than 3 chronicles for the same scenario. The best solution to your problem would probably be get rid of the chronicle for the extra replay you shouldn’t have had and pretend that you played a pre-gen in the 5-8, then apply the 5-8 chronicle after playing 1 more scenario for a level 4.

1/5 5/55/55/55/5

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Starfinder Superscriber
Jacob Rennels wrote:
You can only have 1 bonus copy of a chronicle from replays. In other words, if your -701 plays Live Exploration Extreme normally, you can only ever accumulate one additional bonus chronicle from a replay. So now your -702 happens to be SCS (Jadnura) and has tier one. They can then play Live Exploration Extreme, resulting in your first bonus chronicle for the same scenario. Now, you REALLY love Live Exploration Extreme, so you make a -703 and get them to tier 1 of SCS (Jadnura) so that you can play it again. You can't.

This would be true if the Seeker of Knowledge boon was a replay similar to a Nova replay. Read the boon's text more carefully:

SFS Guild Guide v1.1 p35 wrote:
Benefit: You can use this boon once for every Reputation Tier you possess with the Second Seekers (Jadnura) faction. Each time you use this boon, you can replay one scenario you’ve previously played as though that scenario had the repeatable scenario tag. This allows you to earn a Chronicle sheet and all associated rewards with the scenario, though you cannot select a scenario you’ve already played with this character.

The repeatable scenario tag allows you to replay a scenario once for each PC:

SFS Guild Guide v1.1 p10 wrote:
Repeatable Scenarios: Some scenarios are designated as repeatable, having the Repeatable tag in the product tag listing. Characters playing in these scenarios collect a Chronicle sheet and associated rewards, regardless of whether the player previously played the scenario.

I'd suggest bringing this to your VO's attention.

Liberty's Edge 1/5 5/55/55/55/5 ** Venture-Captain, Illinois—Fairview Heights

That's a good catch! Thank you guys for pointing this out! I'm sure he's reading this forum too. We both read these regularly and meet weekly for lunch. Our conversations are generally around OPF and Paizo stuff in general.

5/5 5/55/55/5

What the bull guy said

Liberty's Edge 1/5 5/55/55/55/5 ** Venture-Captain, Illinois—Fairview Heights

This is why I love these forums. I'm far from perfect, but I try to be as educated as I can be.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

I was totally convinced by your reasoning, too.

And then along came a bull.

3/5 5/55/5

At first I was like D:

But then i Was like (:

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