Icestormshadow |
OKay, the third level power of the vestige bloodline states this
"Restored Glory (Su): At 3rd level, objects in your possession with the broken condition function as if they did not have the broken condition, though if they reach 0 hit points they are destroyed as normal. At 9th level, destroyed objects (objects with 0 hit points) in your possession function and appear as if they had only the broken condition, though if they reach a number of negative hit points equal to your level, they become fully destroyed and don’t function at all, even in your possession. At 15th level, destroyed objects in your possession function and appear as if fully repaired, though they can become fully destroyed as described above. Destroyed objects must have physical pieces left to be affected by this ability. Objects that leave your possession are affected normally by these conditions. This ability does not affect artifacts."
How would this affect advanced tech, such as laser pistols, would they move up from broken to Timeworn, or to fully functional?
Would Non-Functional become broken, or fully functional? (or does it not work?)
CloudCobra |
OKay, the third level power of the vestige bloodline states this
"Restored Glory (Su): At 3rd level, objects in your possession with the broken condition function as if they did not have the broken condition, though if they reach 0 hit points they are destroyed as normal. At 9th level, destroyed objects (objects with 0 hit points) in your possession function and appear as if they had only the broken condition, though if they reach a number of negative hit points equal to your level, they become fully destroyed and don’t function at all, even in your possession. At 15th level, destroyed objects in your possession function and appear as if fully repaired, though they can become fully destroyed as described above. Destroyed objects must have physical pieces left to be affected by this ability. Objects that leave your possession are affected normally by these conditions. This ability does not affect artifacts."
How would this affect advanced tech, such as laser pistols, would they move up from broken to Timeworn, or to fully functional?
Would Non-Functional become broken, or fully functional? (or does it not work?)
I had plenty of questions regarding this bloodline myself. The short answer would probably be, "That's up to the GM." This bloodline should've included some more afterthought from the writers.
Based on first look, you first have to determine at which Level this ability operates. We then have to look at the Broken condition:
The broken condition has the following effects, depending upon the item.
If the item is a weapon, any attacks made with the item suffer a –2 penalty on attack and damage rolls. Such weapons only score a critical hit on a natural 20 and only deal ×2 damage on a confirmed critical hit.
If the item is a suit of armor or a shield, the bonus it grants to AC is halved, rounding down. Broken armor doubles its armor check penalty on skills.
If the item is a tool needed for a skill, any skill check made with the item takes a –2 penalty.
If the item is a wand or staff, it uses up twice as many charges when used.
If the item does not fit into any of these categories, the broken condition has no effect on its use. Items with the broken condition, regardless of type, are worth 75% of their normal value. If the item is magical, it can only be repaired with a mending or make whole spell cast by a character with a caster level equal to or higher than the item’s. Items lose the broken condition if the spell restores the object to half its original hit points or higher. Non-magical items can be repaired in a similar fashion, or through the Craft skill used to create it. Generally speaking, this requires a DC 20 Craft check and 1 hour of work per point of damage to be repaired. Most craftsmen charge one-tenth the item’s total cost to repair such damage (more if the item is badly damaged or ruined).
So, technically, you could repair that Laser Pistol if you have the necessary feats and labs in the Technology Guide.
If the GM wants to be a dick he can make it become timeworn. But keep in mind that at this point only a miracle or wish spell can specifically remove timeworn from an item. Otherwise you need to take on the Technomancer prestige class to make those items work decently well.
Meirril |
Timeworn is more of a template added to technological equipment. Unless some ability (such as the Technomancer's class abilities) mentions timeworn that template shouldn't be added or removed from a piece of equipment.
Considering the setting the technological equipment comes from the GM is perfectly in his rights to slap the timeworn condition on any broken equipment the PCs use magic to fix. Almost everything is 10,000 years old relics that were not built to last that long. A mere 4th level spell shouldn't restore something that has been broken for thousands of years to a like new condition. Even fabricate wouldn't do that since the majority of components have decayed to the point they lost their value. You'd need something like Memory of Function to fully restore them.
It would probably be best to ask the GM to assign a GP value to any reminent items found so that the remains can be used to create new items when you find an appropriate powered lab to make technological items.