(2) - Dawn of the Metahumans

Game Master mdt

Known Metas | Tutorial | Former Masonic Temple | Teletran III

Jungle Encounter 001

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Female Altered Human Sheet

Hearing gunfire in the hole Snapdragon fell into, Whippoorwill shakes her head and flies in after her.

Female Mentalist
OCV/DCV/ECV 6/6/8 | Levels +0 | PD/rPD 4(24)/0(20) | ED/rED 5(25)/0(20) | MD 15 | End 50 | Stun 35 | SPD 4 | PER 13-

No mental actions for Violet, she will act on her Dex, aborting to dive for cover if necessary - but if you'll allow me to DFC with flight instead of running, I'll do that.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Ok, I can't remember where we were at this point, either 10 or 11, I lean toward 10, but Violet wouldn't have acted on either. So whatever, we'll start with 12 and work our way forward again. Rocket up.

Mighty Morpher Martial Artist
Basic Stats:
DCV/OCV/ECV 9/9/5 DC 4d6 | END 40 STUN 45 BODY 18 | SPD 4 PER 14-
Variable Stats:
Veils PD/rPD 11/3 ED/rED 11/3 MD 20 | Ivy P 23/15 E 17/9 M 10 DC+4d6 Manuever | Wind P 19/11 E 15/7 M 10 DC+4d6 | Thorns P 30/19 E 22/11 M 10 DC+3d6+1d6 DEX | Leaves 11/3 11/3 10 | Lotus P 18/10 E 16/8 M 20

Err, I believe I just took my phase 12 action? could be wrong though.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Ah, that explains it then. Normally black skull would be up next, but his readied attack went off on 12, and you can't go twice, so oh well. In that case, PULSE is up.

Whip flew to the opening, but can't get inside this turn (insufficient movement).

Female Mentalist
OCV/DCV/ECV 6/6/8 | Levels +0 | PD/rPD 4(24)/0(20) | ED/rED 5(25)/0(20) | MD 15 | End 50 | Stun 35 | SPD 4 | PER 13-

Suggestion: We should maybe start using actual Phase/Segment notations in the combat posts, at least from MDT's side, to keep tabs on where we're at. It might also help the players know where they're at in the action chain and help them plan their next actions more clearly.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Phase 12, Pulse's Dex

Mighty Morpher Martial Artist
Basic Stats:
DCV/OCV/ECV 9/9/5 DC 4d6 | END 40 STUN 45 BODY 18 | SPD 4 PER 14-
Variable Stats:
Veils PD/rPD 11/3 ED/rED 11/3 MD 20 | Ivy P 23/15 E 17/9 M 10 DC+4d6 Manuever | Wind P 19/11 E 15/7 M 10 DC+4d6 | Thorns P 30/19 E 22/11 M 10 DC+3d6+1d6 DEX | Leaves 11/3 11/3 10 | Lotus P 18/10 E 16/8 M 20

That's a good idea! MDT was doing it earloer, but we all forgot to include it in our replies.

Magnetic Projector
OCV/DCV/ECV 6/6/5 | PD/rPD 5(20)/0(15) | ED/rED 6(21)/0(15) | MD 0 | End 100 | Stun 50 | SPD 4 | Per 13-

Pulse surges forward to the outer wall, and then focuses on breakin' stuff. Now that she's heard that huge crash and gunfire...

She creates another sphere of electromagnetic waves, this time focused on ruining circuits and tearing electronic bits apart.

"Get inside, I'll make sure it's clear of tiny deathballs."

Power is an 8 inch radius aimed a few meters forward, with plenty of wiggle room. Not sure I really need to roll to hit for that. Goal is to nuke any more surprises on the other side of the wall from herself. Power does 7 body to all unshielded electronics.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Need to know where you are aiming it, it makes a difference. Also, remember that your area stops at walls/etc. If you wouldn't have line of effect in Pathfinder, your power can't hit it. (Note, it can 'spread' from the center, so imagine it as a circular emmination from the center point, and you have to have line of effect to the center point, and it 'spreads' out from the center point to the diameter of the 8" if it has line of effect from the center to the edge). That may be somewhat confusing, if so, let me know and I'll draw up an example.

Edit : Example If you want it to work through walls, we'll need to buy it up with some advantages, sorry, thought you realized

Magnetic Projector
OCV/DCV/ECV 6/6/5 | PD/rPD 5(20)/0(15) | ED/rED 6(21)/0(15) | MD 0 | End 100 | Stun 50 | SPD 4 | Per 13-

No, I understand. She can't see what she'd be aiming at, so even though electromagnetic waves pass through walls, she can't do what she wanted to do. Just stick with jamming signals in that case, same net endurance. She wouldn't tell people to move forward, either.

Magnetic Projector
OCV/DCV/ECV 6/6/5 | PD/rPD 5(20)/0(15) | ED/rED 6(21)/0(15) | MD 0 | End 100 | Stun 50 | SPD 4 | Per 13-

Yeah, I just didn't realize. :) Not your fault. :)

TohitAoE 14-(11+6-3): 14 - 3d6 ⇒ 14 - (4, 2, 4) = 4

Pulse surges to the side she can see through the ripped up doorway and then focuses on breakin' stuff. Now that she's heard that huge crash and gunfire...

She creates another sphere of electromagnetic waves, this time focused on ruining circuits and tearing electronic bits apart.

"Get inside, I'll make sure it's clear of tiny deathballs."

Mighty Morpher Martial Artist
Basic Stats:
DCV/OCV/ECV 9/9/5 DC 4d6 | END 40 STUN 45 BODY 18 | SPD 4 PER 14-
Variable Stats:
Veils PD/rPD 11/3 ED/rED 11/3 MD 20 | Ivy P 23/15 E 17/9 M 10 DC+4d6 Manuever | Wind P 19/11 E 15/7 M 10 DC+4d6 | Thorns P 30/19 E 22/11 M 10 DC+3d6+1d6 DEX | Leaves 11/3 11/3 10 | Lotus P 18/10 E 16/8 M 20

Pulse for team president! Yeeeeah!

Or maybe Aegis, because the superhero with the most money always seems to wind up in charge of the tam (Ironman, Batman, Reed Richards)

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM


As Pulse sets off her EMP pulse, there's a detonation inside the loading dock area, and the other door explodes outwards in a cone of shrapnel and fire!!!!

The inner wall crackles and sparks, and the lights explode into sparks, leaving the room in darkness.

Violet, Aegis, and Mud up now

37/37 Stun | 46/46 End | 8/23 Body | Unfired Brick

46 end -2 end = 44 end; 46 stun

Segment 12

Mud nods to Pulse and heads inside. He holds his liquefied form together walks to the opening and starts toward the next interior door.

desolid active
full combat move 6" through opening into warehouse.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Just a note Mud, edited my post above, wasn't done with it but got an IM I had to take care of for work. The room is dark other than the flashing and sparking from Pulse's power and the flames from the explosive that went off. Her power took out the lights and set off the boom explosive.

Female Density Control Brick
OCV/DCV/ECV 05/05/05 | PD/rPD 5(28)/0(15) | ED/rED 5(28)/0(15) | MD 00 | End 50 | Stun 50 | SPD 03 | PER 13-

Does the face on Aegis's icon mean something? Didn't want to move her just in case so I drew a line to where she'd move to

Seeing Mud enter the building and the damage Snapdragon had done Aegis moves forward to try and cover them when punches start flying again.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

You were con-stunned, forgot to remove it

Female Mentalist
OCV/DCV/ECV 6/6/8 | Levels +0 | PD/rPD 4(24)/0(20) | ED/rED 5(25)/0(20) | MD 15 | End 50 | Stun 35 | SPD 4 | PER 13-

Segment 12, Dex 18

Technically this takes place before Mud or Aegis moves, as Violet moves before he does on the DEX list, but it can take place after their moves, anyway, given the nature of the beast.

You're going to get them all killed. You're worthless and you are out of your league and you should have stayed hidden. You are completely ineffectual. Look at you. You can make men with guns dance to your whim, but someone with actual power? She moves faster than you can blink. She could have killed you by now, and what would you have done to stop it? You're pointless, Violet. Just another broken doll out of a factory that burned down and vanished into dust.

Violet stares at the open door of the packing plant, watching the others move with such certainty and prowess while she feels like a tin duck at a carnival shooting gallery. Just as she's shaking her head clear and fighting the voices crawling around inside her skull - her own voice, if you get right down to it - the other door explodes, causing Violet to shriek and jump away.

When her feet don't touch the ground, she opens her eyes, looking around herself with relief and no small amount of surprise.

Well, at least you aren't wearing a skirt, the voice mutters, filling her head with images of a half-dozen embarrassing ways this newfound ability could come back to haunt her.

Screw you, b+@@@, Violet grins to herself. I can fly.

Violet flies 5" straight up, away from the exploding doors. She is not maintaining velocity, but is maintaining height.

Mighty Morpher Martial Artist
Basic Stats:
DCV/OCV/ECV 9/9/5 DC 4d6 | END 40 STUN 45 BODY 18 | SPD 4 PER 14-
Variable Stats:
Veils PD/rPD 11/3 ED/rED 11/3 MD 20 | Ivy P 23/15 E 17/9 M 10 DC+4d6 Manuever | Wind P 19/11 E 15/7 M 10 DC+4d6 | Thorns P 30/19 E 22/11 M 10 DC+3d6+1d6 DEX | Leaves 11/3 11/3 10 | Lotus P 18/10 E 16/8 M 20

Ahahaha oh my gosh Pulse took out all the lights, this is hilarious.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM





Female Mentalist
OCV/DCV/ECV 6/6/8 | Levels +0 | PD/rPD 4(24)/0(20) | ED/rED 5(25)/0(20) | MD 15 | End 50 | Stun 35 | SPD 4 | PER 13-

STUN Tracker: 7 + 10 (Recovery) = 17

END Tracker (Personal): 49 - 4 (TK Barrier) = 45, 45 - 1 (5" Flight) = 44, 44 + 10 (Recovery) = 49

END Tracker (Battery): 60 - 5 (Mind Scan) = 55, 55 + 6 (Recovery) = 60

Mighty Morpher Martial Artist
Basic Stats:
DCV/OCV/ECV 9/9/5 DC 4d6 | END 40 STUN 45 BODY 18 | SPD 4 PER 14-
Variable Stats:
Veils PD/rPD 11/3 ED/rED 11/3 MD 20 | Ivy P 23/15 E 17/9 M 10 DC+4d6 Manuever | Wind P 19/11 E 15/7 M 10 DC+4d6 | Thorns P 30/19 E 22/11 M 10 DC+3d6+1d6 DEX | Leaves 11/3 11/3 10 | Lotus P 18/10 E 16/8 M 20

Aw sweet, I'm not even close to dead anymore!

Magnetic Projector
OCV/DCV/ECV 6/6/5 | PD/rPD 5(20)/0(15) | ED/rED 6(21)/0(15) | MD 0 | End 100 | Stun 50 | SPD 4 | Per 13-

+15 end, -2 end due to overuse of end compared to recovery (I think). Back to full Stun.

Edit: Also, if someone knew where the fuse box is, Pulse could very likely take out all the things.

37/37 Stun | 46/46 End | 8/23 Body | Unfired Brick

Post Segment 12

44 end +16 rec = 50 end; 46 stun +16 rec = 62 stun

Mutant Speedster
OCV/DCV/ECV 10/10/5 | PD/rPD 6(14)/0(8) | ED/rED 6(14)/0(8) | MD 0 | End 56 | Stun 38 | SPD 6 | PER 12-(15- vision)

Turn 2, Seg 2, DEX 30 (part 1)

When Violet flies into the air, Rocket exclaims, "Whoa, Vi! You didn't tell us you could fly!"

Then he says, "OK, it sounds like Snapdragon and Whip are inside and we should be too! Aegis--or anyone--want a ride?"

Aegis, I can get you in there fast. I *think* the way your desolidification works is that I can't pick you up, but you could choose to hop on my back. In that case, I think I'd delay this action to act on your phase (seg 3, your DEX) and piggyback you in.
For now I'll wait for a reply from Aegis before acting.
BTW, back up to full END and STUN after REC

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM


Celerity begins floating at an angle, and as she moves, she blurs and the blue energy surrounds her blurred form again. She flies through the equipment, seemingly not doing anything to it other than leaving little bits of energy crackling over it as she does. She moves down to the floor near the hole in the floor, still blurred. There's a couple of boxes near her.

Phase 3, Snapdragon, Whip, Violet (mental), Pulse, Violet (Physical), then Mud

Mighty Morpher Martial Artist
Basic Stats:
DCV/OCV/ECV 9/9/5 DC 4d6 | END 40 STUN 45 BODY 18 | SPD 4 PER 14-
Variable Stats:
Veils PD/rPD 11/3 ED/rED 11/3 MD 20 | Ivy P 23/15 E 17/9 M 10 DC+4d6 Manuever | Wind P 19/11 E 15/7 M 10 DC+4d6 | Thorns P 30/19 E 22/11 M 10 DC+3d6+1d6 DEX | Leaves 11/3 11/3 10 | Lotus P 18/10 E 16/8 M 20

Can I swing from prone with an acrobatics penalty, or do I need to stand up first?

Female Density Control Brick
OCV/DCV/ECV 05/05/05 | PD/rPD 5(28)/0(15) | ED/rED 5(28)/0(15) | MD 00 | End 50 | Stun 50 | SPD 03 | PER 13-

"No." Aegis said so harshly clearly insulted at the idea of being carried by Rocket.

Aegis is desolid anyway so he wouldn't be able to pick her up I don't think at least not until next round, if you want to do it then let me know and I'll have her go solidish

Female Altered Human Sheet

Don't know where I am in relation to everything else. Did I fly inside the building last phase? Can I see Snapdragon? I'm basically flying in trying to save her (not knowing that she took almost no damage).

Mighty Morpher Martial Artist
Basic Stats:
DCV/OCV/ECV 9/9/5 DC 4d6 | END 40 STUN 45 BODY 18 | SPD 4 PER 14-
Variable Stats:
Veils PD/rPD 11/3 ED/rED 11/3 MD 20 | Ivy P 23/15 E 17/9 M 10 DC+4d6 Manuever | Wind P 19/11 E 15/7 M 10 DC+4d6 | Thorns P 30/19 E 22/11 M 10 DC+3d6+1d6 DEX | Leaves 11/3 11/3 10 | Lotus P 18/10 E 16/8 M 20

I took some damage! I just recovered half of it.

Female Altered Human Sheet

Okay, that's a relief.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Yes, as I said before Whip, stun is just stun, not dangerous to take. If you have 80 stun, you can be put into a coma for a week or two if you take 200-300 stun, but that's about it. Only Body is 'deadly'.

Whip didn't have enough movement to fly inside, she's still above the roof, on her way to the opening, which is above where Snapdragon is.

Being able to change positions as part of movement requires an Adder to the power, Snap, so you can't swing from prone. You can, however, use stretching to move and change position as you do. Remember, stretching is movement, so if you have 10" of stretching, a half-move is using 5" of stretching (you determine whether you move or just stay there and reach out, imagine Mr. Fantastic using 5" to punch, or using 5" to grab a bar and pull himself up a fire escape, same amount of effort).

Female Mentalist
OCV/DCV/ECV 6/6/8 | Levels +0 | PD/rPD 4(24)/0(20) | ED/rED 5(25)/0(20) | MD 15 | End 50 | Stun 35 | SPD 4 | PER 13-

Pretty sure it's still Snapdragon's turn, yes? Waitin' on her? I'll post my action after she goes and Whippoorwill acts. And I believe Rocket has a held action, since Aegis declined his offer?

Mighty Morpher Martial Artist
Basic Stats:
DCV/OCV/ECV 9/9/5 DC 4d6 | END 40 STUN 45 BODY 18 | SPD 4 PER 14-
Variable Stats:
Veils PD/rPD 11/3 ED/rED 11/3 MD 20 | Ivy P 23/15 E 17/9 M 10 DC+4d6 Manuever | Wind P 19/11 E 15/7 M 10 DC+4d6 | Thorns P 30/19 E 22/11 M 10 DC+3d6+1d6 DEX | Leaves 11/3 11/3 10 | Lotus P 18/10 E 16/8 M 20

Right, okay. Gotta figure this out.

Mighty Morpher Martial Artist
Basic Stats:
DCV/OCV/ECV 9/9/5 DC 4d6 | END 40 STUN 45 BODY 18 | SPD 4 PER 14-
Variable Stats:
Veils PD/rPD 11/3 ED/rED 11/3 MD 20 | Ivy P 23/15 E 17/9 M 10 DC+4d6 Manuever | Wind P 19/11 E 15/7 M 10 DC+4d6 | Thorns P 30/19 E 22/11 M 10 DC+3d6+1d6 DEX | Leaves 11/3 11/3 10 | Lotus P 18/10 E 16/8 M 20

I'm not sure if move through requires me to move into their square, or just an adjacent one. (Move By requires more movement, so I can't do that). If Janice needs more movement, she can push for an extra 2" of swinging speed; if this doesn't feel GM kosher, just have her lift herself up through the skylight. Otherwise:

Snapdragon kips up from the skyway, pulling herself forward. With two of her arm-vines still attached to the hole in the roof, she throws another one out and swings forward at blinding speed.

Acrobatics (swinging): 14 - 3d6 ⇒ 14 - (6, 5, 5) = -2

And that looks like some sort of critical failure. I'll let the GM decide where Janice winds up.

Female Altered Human Sheet

Could I have flown noncombat speed so I'm closer to getting inside?

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Wouldn't be an Acrobatics check, it would be an OCV/DCV check, however, you are correct, that is a critical failure. For an OCV/DCV check, your OCV is 9 - 2 (Move Through) = 7. So, 17 - 16 = 1. You'd have missed an empty hex with that roll.

Snapdragon stands, and grasping the overhead rebar, swings straight at Skull face!

...but misses the railing in her calculations, and her feet catch and slam her face first into the catwalk at his feet...

Prone in hex in front of Skull-man, half-dcv, 9-3 (move thru) * 0.5 = 3 DCV (same as hitting a hex)

@Whip, you could have, but it would leave you at half-DCV against attacks

Female Altered Human Sheet

With the exception of Celerity, it seems like the danger's inside. So I'll risk it and get there asap. I can regain my normal defense once I'm in, right?

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Once you have another action, yes

Mighty Morpher Martial Artist
Basic Stats:
DCV/OCV/ECV 9/9/5 DC 4d6 | END 40 STUN 45 BODY 18 | SPD 4 PER 14-
Variable Stats:
Veils PD/rPD 11/3 ED/rED 11/3 MD 20 | Ivy P 23/15 E 17/9 M 10 DC+4d6 Manuever | Wind P 19/11 E 15/7 M 10 DC+4d6 | Thorns P 30/19 E 22/11 M 10 DC+3d6+1d6 DEX | Leaves 11/3 11/3 10 | Lotus P 18/10 E 16/8 M 20

Err, my swinging itself, as a mode of movement, requires an acrobatics check—so I can't necessarily get to where I'm going. GM call.

Does being in an adjacent hex mean I can abort to block by knocking his gun-hands to the side when he shoots, though?

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Ah, forgot that. Same effect, you basically critically failed, so you end up in a really bad position. You can't block ranged attacks (that requires a different ability). However, you can abort to dodge. You'd still be prone, but you'd get a couple of DCV from it.

Mighty Morpher Martial Artist
Basic Stats:
DCV/OCV/ECV 9/9/5 DC 4d6 | END 40 STUN 45 BODY 18 | SPD 4 PER 14-
Variable Stats:
Veils PD/rPD 11/3 ED/rED 11/3 MD 20 | Ivy P 23/15 E 17/9 M 10 DC+4d6 Manuever | Wind P 19/11 E 15/7 M 10 DC+4d6 | Thorns P 30/19 E 22/11 M 10 DC+3d6+1d6 DEX | Leaves 11/3 11/3 10 | Lotus P 18/10 E 16/8 M 20

Is the dodge bonus halved? If not, she'll take it. If so... she'll probably still take it, DCV 6 is much better tahn DCV 4.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Yes, basically, DCV + Dodge, then divide by 2

Still waiting on everyone else.

Female Mentalist
OCV/DCV/ECV 6/6/8 | Levels +0 | PD/rPD 4(24)/0(20) | ED/rED 5(25)/0(20) | MD 15 | End 50 | Stun 35 | SPD 4 | PER 13-

Segment 3

Violet scans the area around her, looking for Celerity. She has a score to settle.

EGO 23, Action Held - If Celerity (or another Villain) appears where Violet can see them, she will make an Ego OCV roll to nail them with a 10D6 Mental Illusions, the same thing that Ace did to Rocket in the training session - see your enemies as your friends and vice versa.

If Celerity (or another villain) doesn't show, in Dex 18, Violet erects her forcefield. She maintains altitude on her flight.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Whip goes non-combat and gets to the hole... I was in the same boat as Vi, wasn't sure if the OOC was a 'I do' or a 'I could'

Violet maintains altitude, and erects her force field.

Mutant Speedster
OCV/DCV/ECV 10/10/5 | PD/rPD 6(14)/0(8) | ED/rED 6(14)/0(8) | MD 0 | End 56 | Stun 38 | SPD 6 | PER 12-(15- vision)

Can I act in Seg 3, now that Aegis has answered me? I figure her answer is zero-phase and so didn't need to wait, and it releases me to move forward.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

You are holding, so you can act anytime after someone completes a movement

Magnetic Projector
OCV/DCV/ECV 6/6/5 | PD/rPD 5(20)/0(15) | ED/rED 6(21)/0(15) | MD 0 | End 100 | Stun 50 | SPD 4 | Per 13-

Pulse simply moves to the side to get a better view of the room, suddenly very aware of how silly she'd been. She could see in the dark and other people couldn't. Well... lots of people couldn't. Heck. The other sparky probably glowed in the dark!

"If you get that door open, I can take out the lights in the next room!" Pulse calls... though that didn't leave most people any better off. I don't think anything Skull could do could affect anything Pulse could do in this situation. If I need to retcon, I will. :)

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM


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