Blue Dragon

plagueale's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


plagueale wrote:

If a quickened scorching ray were fired by an 11th level caster at an invisible target (all rays at the same target, detect magic reveals general location of target), do you roll the invisibility miss chance on each ray or is each ray considered part of the same attack and thus only need one miss chance roll?


Follow-up to this question.

The target who gets hit with 2 rays has resist fire 20. Does he get to take 20 damage off each ray or 20 damage off the total?

If a quickened scorching ray were fired by an 11th level caster at an invisible target (all rays at the same target, detect magic reveals general location of target), do you roll the invisibility miss chance on each ray or is each ray considered part of the same attack and thus only need one miss chance roll?
