Gusnlinger - An archetype prototype

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Hello everyone, so as I said in other topic I'm currently working in a Homebrew Gunslinger Archetype.

I decided to share what I already have so you guys could help me if the rest of the class.

- English is not my mother language, so, sry for any error.
- I'm trying to create 2 big paths for the class: "The Daring" and "The Sharpshooter" giving two options each level of class feats;

So here it's the link

Gunslinter 0.1

I would very much like you to help me with ideas for new feats or if there is anything else that you think is interesting to comment, please do!

Ah, I know that Spell Points will not be in the final version, being substituted by the Focus.

But without knowing how Focus works and anything about the final version, I'm still using Playtest rules and will try to update when we have the final rules

Very nice.
I envision firearms to be crossbowier than crossbows- long reload, high damage.

One thing about the misfire chance- when you link the chance of a misfire to the new critical fail system you end up with this wierd effect that a weapon never misfires when you shoot a goblin (or at a picture of a goblin- low AC), but the same gun and user will misfire a lot when aiming at a dragon (or a dragonfly- high ac).
I suggest randomizing misfire by linking it to a natural 1, or simply not having misfire as a mechanic.

morphail wrote:

Very nice.

I envision firearms to be crossbowier than crossbows- long reload, high damage.

One thing about the misfire chance- when you link the chance of a misfire to the new critical fail system you end up with this wierd effect that a weapon never misfires when you shoot a goblin (or at a picture of a goblin- low AC), but the same gun and user will misfire a lot when aiming at a dragon (or a dragonfly- high ac).
I suggest randomizing misfire by linking it to a natural 1, or simply not having misfire as a mechanic.

I think you are right... Should only trigger in a Natural 1.

But I still don't like the Missfire, but couldn't come with anything more interesting...

Liberty's Edge

I'm always of the opinion there should be fewer classes whenever possible.
Classes need to be big tent options, where you can fit as many different options in as possible. Lots of different builds differentiated by story AND crunch.

A gunslinger is just a character that uses firearms. There's very little that differentiates them from a fighter or ranger using guns and one or two key feats.

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