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After three years, four character deaths, five guest players, and probably 10-12 gallons of whiskey, our Skull & Shackles campaign wrapped up last night. It's been a wild ride, filled with lots of plunder, tons of NPCs, hours of pirate music, and loads of interweaved character arcs.
This is the first pre-written campaign I've run, so I can't really compare it to others. But I can say that I REALLY enjoyed running the Island of Empty Eyes arc (I actually thought I would hate it and considered skipping most of it -- glad I didn't do that), and I REALLY hated ship-to-ship combat. We tried it once and never again. Also wasn't a fan of the fleet battles, and in retrospect would have skipped over those encounters and added more on-deck encounters while describing the battle raging around the PCs.
I liked the idea of Infamy/Disrepute, but in the end there wasn't really a good payoff for all the work the PCs put into it. The Plunder mechanic worked really well and I may incorporate something similar into future campaigns.
The best part, as always, is hearing how much fun my players had -- makes all the work outside each session absolutely worth it.
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Cheers to you and your group! Did they win? Did they wipe? Any highlights, or did you put those elsewhere?
They won, but they surprisingly didn't take the Hurricane Crown -- handed that off to the Master of Gales.
A few highlights:
- The cleric getting sucked into the Immortal Dreamstone just as the sorcerer shattered it, sending his soul into the afterlife
- Allying with Besmara's herald, the Kelpie's Wrath, to take down Ifestus
- Coincidentally, the PC designated as captain randomly rolled on the massive damage table and lost an eye, so he had an eye patch for the majority of the campaign
- The Free Captain's Regatta is a fantastically written series of encounters
- I gave the PCs an opportunity to claim revenge on the Dominator while "shooting the gullet", which I changed to an escape through a series of tunnels
- The number of NPCs that the PCs could ally with in this campaign is fantastic, and they took full advantage of it