Dawn of Flame book 3 quality issues

Customer Service

Liberty's Edge

I recently received my PDF for Dawn of Flame book 3 Sun Divers.

Most of the images are awful quality, fuzzy and pixelated.

The PDFs don't print out nicely, either. Foxit Reader likes to flip the borders and sometimes images upside down (but that's been happening since Aeon Throne). Adobe Reader gets the borders and images fine, but the text has random solid black boxes in it, obscuring the words, or at best, bold and out of line "L"s and "I"s.

Is there any chance the PDF can be fixed?

Thanks in advance.

Customer Service Representative

Hello evillmonkey,

It seems we have a few people experiencing this issue. Unfortunately my go-to person for beginning to investigate this issue is not currently in the office, but will be next week. I'll see what we can do about this PDF resolution issue and update you next week!

Liberty's Edge

Thanks for the update!

Customer Service Representative

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Hello evillmonkey,

We have been alerted that the image resolution issue for the recent Adventure Paths has been resolved. You will need to re-download the PDF in order to get this updated version.

if you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. Thank you!

Liberty's Edge

Thank you!

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