Aoth Fezim


Liberty's Edge

I am trying to build an Aoth Fezim type character for PFS, for any not familiar, he is a very interesting D&D character that is a magus type war mage that uses a spear but has a griffon as his familiar that he can communicate with. The closest thing I can think of is a hunter 3/4 BAB, has an animal companion that can be changed to a griffon at lvl 5, and flown as a mount at lvl 7. While not a true war mage, hunters do have access to the druid spell list which can be built to he offensive with frigid touch, call lightning, aggressive thunder cloud and spells like that. Another interesting feature of Aoth Fezim is that he has constant true sight, while I know that is not possible I am looking to have a very high perception, which with a wisdom based character should not be to difficult, so ideally his build will be able to locate magical traps, does not have to be good at disabling them however. Aoth also greatly uses magical tattoos so any really good ideas for magical tattoos for spells that are very useful to have when you need them but not necessarily worth preparing on your spell list all the time, like delay poison, delay disease, looking for help from the experts on recommended feats and builds, and items.

One of my favorite characters, and I hate Forgotten Realms. Am rereading Whisper of Venom right now. Go for it.

Any one have any advice or recommendations?

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