Finish the campaign in Book 2?

Carrion Crown

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I started running Carrion Crown for my group several months ago and I'm really enjoying it, and it seems like the players are too. However, it's almost impossible to organise a session due to various incompatibilities with everyone's schedule. At this rate, we'll be playing for years if we want to get through all books. I was initially considering ending it after Book 3 and setting up Auren Vrood as the main villain, but there's more and more time between each session and half the time we're missing at least one player.

Would it be possible to finish Book 2 and also end the campaign in a satisfying way? Or would it be better to continue until the end of Book 3? I've been toying with the idea of changing things so that the ectoplasmic element taken from Harrowstone was needed for experiments to make a more powerful beast - which would end up being the aberrant promethean - but so far, that's all I've come up with. I'd appreciate any suggestions!

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I Think book three offers a natural ending for the campaign.
here's a few ideas:

You need to think what is needed to make sense of the ritual pieces...
Maybe Auren Vrood does intend to become some kind of immortal presence in the city of Ravengro, like a shadow lord or cursed lord type of thing. To do so, he's in need of:
1) a soul with similar characteristic to emulate, i.e. the captain
2) a body able to contain his new, more powerful spiriti - a fresh golem made by caromarc, possibly using Vroods own parts, created throught necromancy
3) a cursed item to be the focus of such transformation: either the seasage effigy or the heart of a packlord should suffice.

To make book 2 more interesting, you need to make Caromarc a villain by having him direct Vrood towards Ravengro and have him used for other nefarious purposes.
Maybe he was working willingly with Vrood and Vorstag until the first betrayed him.
Now Vrood is using the count's castle and reputation to make him seem the one who robbed ravengro and lepidstatd's, to distract pharasma's inquisition.

When freed, the count could then direct the players towards Ascanor Lodge, were they can find another fellow colleague. However, once there they could found themselves unable to leave the dogde until they solve the mistery, and this because Auren Vrood has used the Lodge as a ground test for his own ritual that will grant him complete power over all the furrows, while entrapping all those who inhabit the region is cose kind of secluded region, were he will be the only Tyrant.

Basically, make Auren more present and give them a bigger goal, and you got it.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thanks for the reply! I really like the idea of having Auren Vrood needing to use the beast's body to become a more powerful, immortal creature. It might take a bit of time to work out exactly what I plan to do, but you've been a lot of help. My player's are currently still exploring Harrowstone, so I should have more than enough time.

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In my personal experience, groups that don't meet religiously every week with few interruptions take 2-3 years per AP anyway. This isn't an unusual situation. If your groups cohesion doesn't hold together well thanks to scheduling problems, I'd recommend sticking to Modules or your own adventures. AP are NEVER finished quickly without some serious dedication.

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