Where are the Fey?

Starfinder Society

Acquisitives 3/5

Have any of the source books referenced the Fey lore to any extend? What's the name of the night club in Absalom Station where YOUR Gnomes party?

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

There are Fey in at least two scenarios so far ^_^

Acquisitives 3/5

... that's one hell of a name for a night club...


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I will be that guy and suggest that the Fey are in the First World.

The adventure paths have fey, even a playable race.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

I'm sure there's at least a few partying on Songbird Station!

But RealAlchemy made me realize something: I wonder if Starfinder will publish the same "Pathfinder Lore" as Pathfinder did? Because if someone is just now getting into Starfinder, and never played Pathfinder, they might know nothing about the First World.


Nefreet wrote:

I'm sure there's at least a few partying on Songbird Station!

But RealAlchemy made me realize something: I wonder if Starfinder will publish the same "Pathfinder Lore" as Pathfinder did? Because if someone is just now getting into Starfinder, and never played Pathfinder, they might know nothing about the First World.

We definitely need to get a multiverse supplement for Starfinder. Some sort of combo between Spelljammer and Planescape.

Acquisitives 3/5

I wrote this with Starfinder lore in mind, are there any planets known to be home to Fey?

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Starfinder is simply future-Pathfinder.

Fey are still from the First World.

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