Book Of Lost Spells - Interpreting The Spell "Sacred Symbol"

Advice and Rules Questions

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber

I have the Frog God Games supplement "Book Of Lost Spells". It has the spell "Sacred Symbol", which I am not sure how to interpret what it does.


Sacred Symbol
School abjuration
Level cleric/oracle 1, druid 1, paladin l, ranger 1
Casting Time 10 minutes
Components V, S, DF
Range touch
Area 5-ft. radius/level emanation
Duration 1 day/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

A sacred symbol provides a +2 sacred bonus to saving throws involving Will. Additionally, the spell provides a +1 bonus to skill checks that match the dominion of the god or goddess of the symbol.

My questions on this:

Can you touch anything and the spell emanates from there? A person, place or thing?

If what you touch is mobile, does the emanation move with it?

Does it affect everybody within the emanation, friend and foes alike?

Does it only affect worshipers of said deity?

Thanks you -
Matt Harris

Flagged for wrong forum should be in 3rd party forums.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber

Not sure how this is the wrong forum - it is a subforum of "Third-Party Pathfinder RPG Products".

Weird it showed up in the normal 1st party pathfinder rules question forum for me.

The spell lacks the "target" line and some clarifications. If some developer from Frogs doesn't show up here, you're just gonna have to make up some rulings.

The ones I'd make are that it's fixed to a spot and affects all followers of the specific deity.

Dark Archive

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It *seems* like a retooling of the Scarred Lands spell 'Minor Symbol of Divinity' in which case, it was, IIRC, stationary, once cast. It affected everyone, though, so it would 'bless' a forger who hated the god of forges and crafting, as readily as someone who worshipped said god.

It was therefore most useful to worshippers of gods whose skills worked best in a specific place (such as a forge for a god of crafting / metalsmithing, or a merchant's stall for a god of commerce, or a hospital / infirmary for a god of healing).

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber

Excellent - thanks to you all.

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