What even are gloves?

Rules Questions

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The book does not appear to be very clear about gloves. The example in "HOLDING AND WIELDING WEAPONS" (CRB P. 168) talks about holding a longarm while wearing a battleglove: you can do it, but can't attack while holding the longarm in that hand.

Does that mean the same rule generally applies for other hand-suits?

This is a list of every melee weapon that seems like it might be something one wears on a hand. The format is: {name of item} - {word from description that qualifies it as a hand-worn article} - {what that description says about holding stuff}

  • Battleglove - "glove" - Can Hold Objects
  • Shell Knuckles - "glove" - Unspecified
  • Bone Cestus - "gauntlet" - Unspecified
  • Injection Glove - "glove" - Unspecified
  • Painclaw - "gauntlet" - Cannot Hold Objects (or be disarmed, also a full action to put on)
  • Heat-Amp Gauntlet - "gauntlet" - Unspecified
  • Searing Grip - "glove" - Unspecified
  • Electrovore Glove - "gauntlet," oddly - Unspecified
  • Pulse Gauntlet - "gauntlet" - Unspecified
  • Resonant Gauntlet - "gauntlet" & "glove" - Unspecified
  • Polarity Gauntlets - "gauntlet" - Unspecified

Battleglove has a specific note that you can hold objects, as in the example. Painclaw specifically says you cannot. The others say nothing at all.
What say y'all?

Liberty's Edge

The battleglove is the only one I know of that specifically says you can hold things in your hand while wearing it. In my opinion, you do probably have to spend a move action drawing these weapons just like any other one handed weapon, and have to drop it or put it away if you want to do something else with that hand.

The reason I think that is because with a lot of these weapons, even though they're gloves, based on how they work I couldn't see you using that hand to hold something else while wearing it. Most of them are conducting a bunch of heat or electricity through them. The move action to put it away could even be flavored as turning the device off and giving it a second to cool down. I guess if I had a red hot gauntlet on my hand, I don't know if I'd want to be reaching into my pockets to pull a healing serum or holding a weapon with that hand.

I think the battle glove is different because it's basically just a reinforced gauntlet. It might have some small spikes on it, but its not going to accidentally injure you if you touch yourself with it.

That's my two cents on it, but I don't really think there is a "right" answer on this one.

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The Battleglove can be used to hold objects because otherwise Armor Storm Soldiers can't ever wield any other weapons because Hammer Fist turns their hands into Battlegloves.

...I kid, I kid.

But seriously, I tagged the FAQ.

Sovereign Court

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My gut instinct is that they're all intended as gloves, and that for all of them the same applies: you can still hold and wield stuff in that hand while wearing the glove, but to attack with the glove, the hand has to be empty.

If something different were intended, that would be a "surprising rule" that should be more explicitly called out because it's not likely everyone will naturally draw that conclusion on casually reading the items.


If there was any question that gloves were meant to be used like gloves: put on the hand so then you can still grip something, the example in holding and wielding clearly spells out that the common sense answer is also the raw answer.

Lacking specific restrictions, I would say gloves and gauntlets allow you to hold things, but in order to attack with them your hands must be empty.

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