Using "Partner Redemptions" to access Digital Content

Customer Service

Lantern Lodge Customer Service & Community Manager

If you've been directed to to redeem a Partner Redemption code for PDFs, such as from Humble Bundle or Kickstarter, etc. here are a set of step by step instructions for accessing your PDFs.

If you do not have a account:
1. When viewing the webpage, click on "Sign In" in the upper right corner of the webpage.
-Click “Create New Account” in the “New Customer” box. A new page will load prompting you to enter your date of birth. If you are under the age of 16, you will need the email address of your parent or guardian and they will be required to verify and consent to your account creation.
-Enter your first and last name and email address along with confirmation of your email address. By clicking the “Create New Account” button you agree to Paizo’s Privacy Policy. An email verification will be sent to the email address you listed. (Note: As of February 16 we have been experiencing an issue with our verification email process. You can read about it here: Email Correspondence Issues, 2 / 20 / 2019. We are working to resolve the issue as soon as possible. If you are not receiving your verification email, please visit the linked thread for updates on this issue.) Follow the instructions in the verification email and move on to step 2.

Verified accounts:
2. When viewing the webpage, click on "Sign In" in the upper right corner of the webpage.
-Type the email address which you used to create an account into the field called "Email Address".
-Type your password into the field for "Password."
-If you have forgotten your password, you can click on the text "request your password here," and a "Reset your password" page will load. Type in your email address and click "Email My Password." This will send you a temporary password which you can use to log in.(Note: As of February 16 we have been experiencing an issue with our password reset email process. You can read about it here: Email Correspondence Issues, 2 / 20 / 2019. We are working to resolve the issue as soon as possible. If you are not receiving your password reset email after 20 minutes of restting, please visit the linked thread for updates on this issue.)
-It make take a few minutes for the email to show up in your inbox. You can then use the temporary password on the sign in page. Sometimes using the copy & paste feature will add an extra space on the end of the temporary password, which will result in a failed login. Try typing the password by hand as it is written in the email if you are experiencing errors with your temporary password.
-You will be prompted to create a new password of your own at that time. If you've been having trouble recalling what your passwords are after you set them up, you may want to write it down. We recommend once you have finished with your session on our website that you either destroy or securely store the note with your password written on it.

3. Once you have signed into you can redeem your Humble Bundle code. If you’ve already done this, skip to step 4.
-In the upper right corner of the webpage, click on “My Account”. It will display a menu and you will want to click on the option for “My Account” You can also navigate there by typing in the following web address into your internet browser’s address bar:
-You will need to scroll down the My Account webpage to the box labeled “Partner Redemptions” click the “Redeem Codes” in this box. A page for redeeming codes should load. Type your redemption code into the box and click “Redeem”.

4. Once you have redeemed your Partner Codes, go to your “Digital Content” page.
-You can navigate here from the “My Account” menu in the upper right corner, or by typing into your internet browsers’s address bar.
-There are some known problems with the sorting feature on this Digital Content page. We apologize for the inconvenience.
-You may have a large number of digital assets that you are able to download. Unfortunately we do not have a ‘download all’ option at this time.

5. When you are on the Digital Content page ,you can start downloading your desired asset.
-One way to quickly find a particular asset, is to use your browser’s “Find” feature. Often this can be done by pressing the control/cntl/apple/command key plus the letter “F” simultaneously. A field should appear where you can type in part of the name of the asset your are looking for. You can also access this feature by using the browser menu and looking for a “find” option. Usually this will highlight all instances of the text you have typed and often will automatically scroll you to the first instance it appears on the webpage.
-Click on the title of the asset you wish to download. You should see text appear below the title that says “Personalizing... Click link again in 60 seconds to download” This means the file is being prepared for downloading.
-After a few seconds (sometimes up to 60 seconds), click on the asset name again. If it’s ready you will see “Ready! Click again to download.” If not, give it a bit more time and try again. You will also see "Problems downloading this file? Click here." You should only click on this text if you have waited more than 60 seconds and have attempted this step at least twice.
-Click the asset name one more time and it should begin downloading. Since there are many different internet browsers that have different displays for downloading, we are not able to advise further.
-If you receive error messages, please send our customer service an email with the internet browser you are using, a description of the error and the step where you received the error.

Some Additional Information about PDF assets
-As noted in our FAQ, you may print off a copy of your PDF for personal use.
-If you lose your account information and cannot get a password reset, you may permanently lose access to your account and digital content. At this time, we do not have a secure way to verify accounts if you cannot access the email address you used to log in and cannot remember you password.
-Because of the wide variety of internet browser and computer systems, we cannot provide assistance if an issue is unique to your machine or software such as the PDF software, printer, etc. that you might be using.

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