Psychic for Strange Aeons

Strange Aeons

Wanting to play a psychic for this. We're 15 point buy, but I'm playing an emberkin aasimar so I get the +2 to Int and Cha. Also rolled pretty well on the variant abilities and got +2 on saves vs fear, which is part of what got me thinking about a psychic.

I'd like to try out the Dream discipline, but it seems somewhat useless, and so I'm looking at the Rapport discipline instead.

So what kinds of things should I take into consideration (for build and tactics)? Anybody else played through this with a psychic?

Full disclosure here, I have never personally played a psychic myself. Or any psychic casters. I'm GM'ing this for a group with a psychic caster though so I can share what he's dealing with.

Its not surprising and therefore i'm not considering it a spoiler in a horror/Lovecraft themed AP to know that you'll be dealing with fear. Even if you're not using the expanded fear rules, there are a lot of emotional conditions (like fear) that you're going to have to deal with which could effect your psychic casting. The +2 is a good place to start!

I'm curious to see what others have to say about it too!

That's exactly what I'm looking for. I can figure out the build, but if I don't know what to build for then I'm at a bit of a loss.

Is SR something that will be an impediment? What about prevalence of foes immune to mind-affecting?

SR usually comes into play at higher levels than I've seen with my party so far. I haven't seen it yet, but I know its coming, it always dose at higher levels.

As far as mind-affecting? You'll definitely see some undead and you're usually immune to sleep/charm stuff.

I don't want to give too much away though!

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Have you considered a ridiculously path-appropriate Amnesiac instead?

kadance wrote:
Have you considered a ridiculously path-appropriate Amnesiac instead?

I have, and in fact plan on it, but it doesn't really affect anything I'm specifically asking about.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens Subscriber

I'm playing a psychic in Strange Aeons. Started at lvl 4 as a replacement character and am currently at lvl 13. I choose the Abomination discipline as the dark-half feature gives me the all important immunity to fear, though we are using the expanded fear and sanity rules from Horror Adventures.

Playing a human for the FCB has been invaluable. For tactic, from lvl 4-11 our party had two massive damage dealers, a brawler and a fighter, so I mainly really on support - haste, bull's strength, heroism, fly to buff them so they could slaughter everything.

For offensive I went with a pain focus: Inflict Pain, Debilitating Pain and mass Debilitating Pain with the last two being encounter killers when they worked. There are a lot of foes immune to mind effecting: I use magic missile, force burst and disintegrate against such.

Thought Shield has kept me sane.

Hypercognition is perhaps too good for this campaign.

Amplifications so far are Overpowering Mind, Will of the Dead, Relentless Casting and Dual Amplification, seems pretty standard choices to me.

Thanks, that's more what I'm looking for.

Follow up question. I know that in general the Lucid Dreamer feat is useless, but does it have any applicability in this game?

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Nope, none whatsoever. Just as useless as ever.

My son has also been playing a Psychic, of the Psychedelia discipline. The biggest issue he's had is just how many creatures have been immune to mind affecting. Will of the Dead has helped, but there have still been a bunch of encounters where his options are quite limited. So, if you can include non-mind-affecting spells, do so.

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