
Tendrils's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


quibblemuch wrote:

I made one big change so far*.

I eliminated the survivors in the chapel, except for Winter Klaczka. I didn't want to have to track 22 NPCs and have a scene where I was acting out a bunch of different, conflicting people. My players are motivated enough to figure out what's going on, without needing to fetch firewood and whatnot for a couple dozen commoners. And since I use a "level when it's appropriate" system instead of XP, I don't have to worry about them doing enough minor quests.

I did put several bodies in the chapel with Winter and made it clear that, for whatever reason, that's the one place the dead aren't coming back or turning into doppelgangers.

This has streamlined things a lot. It's also ratcheted up the horror element. And emphasized Winter's badassery--she's survived this far--so the party won't be tempted to try to kill her, and will realize they can trust that at least she has skills, if nothing else. It lets me focus all my NPC-impersonating on a single character, who I'm playing as a dour, grim Pharasmin.

"So you're here because you can't remember why you're here? Sounds like a blessing. Who would want to remember this world? Even before it went mad, who would want to remember it?"

I really, really like this idea and very much wish that I had seen this post before hitting that area with my group. I feel like the table would have really reacted to that!

I found this thread at just the right time! I'm about to start preparing book 2 for my group and i was struggling with what to do to make these two encounters a little harder. So far my group is doing their best to steamroll most of my encounters. (my paladin rolled 8 natural 20's last time we played, its not all my fault) so i've been working hard to up the difficulty for them beyond what i would do just adding a 5th player.

Thank you for this, its going to help a lot!

kadance wrote:
Yeah, I got permission from the players first.

That's really cool that your players were on board with that! With the beginning of the AP starting the way it does that's a whole added level of depth that I wouldn't have thought of at all.

I'd be interested in seeing those character sheets if you get the chance.

Maybe his adventuring with the mind wiped group attracted the attention of another denizen of the Dream realm?

I'd find some kind of monster I could throw in there that would fit thematically. Maybe it wants to take his place in Golarion with the nightmare versions of the rest of the group.

Something like the Dreamthief Hag comes to mind.

SR usually comes into play at higher levels than I've seen with my party so far. I haven't seen it yet, but I know its coming, it always dose at higher levels.

As far as mind-affecting? You'll definitely see some undead and you're usually immune to sleep/charm stuff.

I don't want to give too much away though!

Full disclosure here, I have never personally played a psychic myself. Or any psychic casters. I'm GM'ing this for a group with a psychic caster though so I can share what he's dealing with.

Its not surprising and therefore i'm not considering it a spoiler in a horror/Lovecraft themed AP to know that you'll be dealing with fear. Even if you're not using the expanded fear rules, there are a lot of emotional conditions (like fear) that you're going to have to deal with which could effect your psychic casting. The +2 is a good place to start!

I'm curious to see what others have to say about it too!

I'm currently prepping this AP and found this very helpful! Please keep.posting these up!!