Dark Apprentice trilogy


The Exchange

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So, I've been off-forum for an age. I had to give up my job and home to look after my dying father, who then died (as dying people tend to...); but enough of that! I have managed to write a fantasy trilogy which is available on Amazon for Kindle, starting here...

Pride and Paladins

Fair warning: the books aren't for everyone. There's adult themes (including some BDSM stuff). I've got them listed as 'erotica' and well as 'fantasy' to try to make sure that people aren't seeing stuff they're not interested in (and, in theory, to help keep impressionable young minds away from them).

They're set in a world of my own creation, 'The Land of Levels', which pokes gentle fun at some of the standard tabletop and computer RPG tropes (the books aren't primarily comedies... hopefully funny in a few places, though). There's a bunch of references gamers (and students of mythology) should get in there. The protagonist is Ren, a felid (i.e. cat-girl) who gets bound as the familiar to an apprentice dark mage, and dragged along on his adventures with his less-than-perfect party.

They're light reading stuff (more 'Mils and Boon' than 'Tolkien' to be honest).

Anyway, it'd be great if interested people could check them out.

Cheers all, for reading this post! :)

My own dad just passed away in Thursday. I will check this out.

The Exchange

Sorry for your loss, Freehold.

And thanks.

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