Laws of Golarion

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Dear Paizo,
could we have a Laws of Golarion resource of some sort? actually defining what is and isn't legal within what bounds of each city/sovereignty? because without actual books of law it becomes super subjective as to what falls under "lawful" like executing someone who steals from you, in some cultures that falls well in line with what is legal (to include some first world countries) but in many other cultures it isn't; another example would be warning shots, according to the law in many states of the US there's no such thing as a warning shot, any shot fired is legally deemed attempted murder with a deadly weapon. That would even bring into question killing your assailant in self defense, in many states its a legal act, while in others it's just as illegal as the initial assault itself, if not with steeper consequences.

thank you for your time,
Jonathan A. Roberts

I believe this is intentionally vague. There are so many countries and regions of countries, and so many laws and exceptions in each, that such a book is not only absurdly nieche, but any useful version of it would be unviably large.

I believe the common way to handle this at-table is that the players go with follwing 'common sense' laws, plus unusual laws they are aware of. If there is an unusual law, or difference in law, that the players are not aware of and their characters are, then the GM warns the player about it before the character breaks it if that would have notable consequence, alignment or otherwise. Similarly, players can ask about their characters knowledge of the law and the GM makes up what is most consistent with the region and interesting for the narrative.

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