Will we ever return to Thassilon / Azlant?

Return of the Runelords

Dark Archive

So far, there have been four adventure paths dealing heavily with these nations (Rise, Return, Shattered Star, and Ruins of Azlant. One more if Curse of the Crimson Throne counts), and most of the big set pieces from that era have been dealt with. The Runelords have risen, most of the major landmarks have been explored, and to my knowledge every major NPC having something to do with these nations (save for Aroden) has been utilized.

Are there any more plans for future content in this portion of Golarion? Will we ever get to explore the labyrinths below Castle Korvosa? I’d personally be fine seeing other parts of Golarion take center stage from this point on.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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We've told several stories about Thassilon and Azlant. Those are FAR from the only stories we could tell. Both ancient empires are a huge part of Golarion's history, and we'll certainly be doing more with them in the years to come as inspiration strikes us. Customer requests and interest will certainly help too, of course!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It will be very interesting to see where the first PF2E AP will occur.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I think Paizo has essentially finished the Runelord storyline(even if default assumption is that one of the evil ones does survive), but that doesn't mean no more Ancient Thassilon content itself

But yeah I'm also curious where the first ap of 2e will be. One of my players guesses it will be in Garund while I guess it will be something like Midnight Dawn AP or such

I think it would be potentially interesting some time down the line to see Alaznist revisited in some fashion, and I may do that in a homebrew campaign of some sort for an evil type or something similar.

Help the most evil Runelord of Wrath reclaim portions of her soul from all the creatures she bargained portions of it with, finalizing with stealing the largest component from Yamasoth itself, and watch in horror / awe as she ascends to become a powerful demon lord in the Abyss, making an even more horrific empire of brutality and violence than she had previously in Thassilon.

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