Retroactive punishment & the Primary Antagonist (Spoilery)

Return of the Runelords

Shadow Lodge

So, non-linear-time people try to kill you - and others try to help you - because you are *going* to upset linear time later on in the AP.
...But you're doing it all in order to stop Alaznist, who did it first, and worse. Will there ever be even a passing mention of Alaznist getting harassed by time dimensionals, so as to make this seem less unfair?

If not, I could probably find a way to add it in - perhaps, the first time Alaznist contacts the PCs, her angry rant gets interrupted when she gets jumped by another Hound of Tindalos pack and she has to waste a valuable spell slot to blast them all to bits.

Just to show that Time Itself isn't purely picking on the PCS - it's trying to stop everyone from messing with it, but nothing's been working.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I think things like this are best handled off-camera. It's reasonable for the PCs to assume Alaznist has filed up the time guardians and it's also reasonable to assume she's taking care of it on her end the same as they are. I wouldn't dedicate any game time to it.


Shadow Lodge

That makes sense. All I'd do is a brief aside if the players ever complain about Time picking on them when they're just trying to fix this mess.

Shadow Lodge

As it turns out, there is a point in Book 6 where a member of the Time Police jumps Alaznist when the PCs get to see it. Though another one simultaneously jumps the PCs.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Skeld wrote:

I think things like this are best handled off-camera. It's reasonable for the PCs to assume Alaznist has filed up the time guardians and it's also reasonable to assume she's taking care of it on her end the same as they are. I wouldn't dedicate any game time to it.


You could add some approprate corpses. ;)

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