Captain Yesterday's Mass Effect Space Tragicomedy.

Video Games

Everyone loves a good space opera! Too bad I can't sing!

However, I have seen a lot of Star Wars and Star Trek spoofs and I happened to find Mass Effect Andromeda Deluxe Edition on sale for super cheap so I thought why not!

Full disclosure, I've never played Mass Effect before.

I'm more than a little disappointed you can't pick an alien race for your character.

At least as far as I can tell.

Did I help?

It turns out, while you can change your appearance and first name, you're still stuck with the same hardass dad destined to die leaving you in charge despite being wildly under qualified.

At least I didn't have to spend the tutorial getting raised by him only for him to die, like Zero Dawn Horizon.

And at least he went all Yondu with it (reflexively pours a 40 on the curb for Yondu).

So, since I'm stuck with the Ryder name, Captain Yesterday wouldn't fit as a first name, neither would my next go-to name, Toot Toot McBumbersnazzle, I went with Mabel Ryder.

And to keep in character I only go with responses that are positive, confident, or fun, never professional.

First up is Eos, a delightful little planet awash in radiation.

Okay, powers out, totally understandable.

And apparently a squatter to boot!

Yay for new friends! And apparently Jarvis... I mean, Sam, can eavesdrop on the past. Remind me to have a talk about AI-Pathfinder confidentiality later, what happens in my dreams are Mabel time!

Anywhoo! Mister Squatter Guy was super afraid of turning on the power, on account of the Kett being such huge dickbags.

No problem guy, we'll take care of the Kett!

Oh fun, this planet has those monoliths we found on Habitat 7 too! Seriously, people, Habitat 7?! I'm pretty sure with 600 years asleep someone could have come up with a better name then Habitat 7!

Killing papa Ryder immediately was a huge mistake.

It is an over used trope, yes.

Peebee seems nice!

I was going to put a science focused colony on Eos.

Then I found... Whatever they created at Site B. And some Kett a@!*&+%s.

Now, I'm not so sure I want them meddling with science there, it seems the environment encourages a certain level of mad science I just don't have the time to micromanage right now.

I called it! Totally saw the whole Kett are really the other aliens but borged angle from a mile away.

Also, after 8 tries Cardinal Douchebag is dead.

That dude does not go down easy.

I found my new favorite weapon! And ability combo!

Incinerate and concussive shot for the combo, and then some sort of alien explosive sniper rifle, so destructive!

Eos is now at 100% viability.

Other stuff I've learned this week.

There are symbols in the middle of the talk wheel thingy that tell you what emotion you speak with.

For being a woman with an athletic build I sure am striking out with a lot of guys. Peebee seems nice though.

Speaking of Peebee, I finally figured out how to switch out my squad mates, so no more dealing with Cora and her blatant animosity towards me.

For some reason I can't find anyone else to sell s&*@ to besides that one squatter on Eos.

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I recommend the sidewinder pistol.

I have it in development, just need more omnigel or whatever.

I really like the squad banter in the Nomad, especially between Peebee and Vestra.

Yesterday I spent my day getting the monoliths on Veold up and running, set up my first settlement.

Then I went to the Nexus to see how things are going, not well. Apparently, they're being dicks about the whole unfreezing process.

F!%+ politics man, I just want to terraform some s&!#!

Off to Kadara for me, I'll figure out the politics b%&#++%% AFTER I get a few more settlements up and running.

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