Spheres of Power: More Mad Hypotheticals, and questions on the Blaster

Advice and Rules Questions

Let's get Right into it.

1: Blaster and Bound Equipment: I noticed the blaster says it "Modifies" bound equipment with the arm cannon rather than replacing it. does this mean that the Blaster can still get other equipment like a suit of armor or an axe?

2: The hypothetical I propose that I started this with is a villain based loosely on Dark Samus, the concept of perhaps a malignant spirit or undead creature finding itself able to get into and manipulate some sort of ancient dwarven magical armor type thing, and using it as a casting focus. I was thinking of using the Martial Armorist and Blaster to make this work, but worry it might be slightly MAD (Blaster says dexterity but in melee it would probably use an axe of some sort) and being very talent hungry between covering the elemental bases (focusing on negative energy but having other energies for what it might need) and a decent number of martial talents (Needing armor training twice to wear full plate, Sniper to use with its ranged weapon if I actually go all in on it, and Berserker to batter foes who get too close... maybe even Brute to use shove and heavy swing together)

3: And... Whilst I talk about the armorist, I feel like it should get some sort of equivalent to Gear Training that it can grab when it's a martial practitioner, since it seems like one of very few classes that could actually benefit from having proficiency with all martial weapons since they can just summon whatever they feel they need.

1) Yes. You have to take the Blaster's Arm Cannon at first level, but it otherwise functions as Bound Equipment and you can still get other pieces of equipment later.

2) Heavy Armor Proficiency as a feat might be better than spending two talents for it. But even so, Armorists are already proficient with light armor, so you'd only need the Armor Training talent from the equipment sphere once.

3) Have you considered the Martial Armorist archetype?

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GM Rednal wrote:

1) Yes. You have to take the Blaster's Arm Cannon at first level, but it otherwise functions as Bound Equipment and you can still get other pieces of equipment later.

2) Heavy Armor Proficiency as a feat might be better than spending two talents for it. But even so, Armorists are already proficient with light armor, so you'd only need the Armor Training talent from the equipment sphere once.

3) Have you considered the Martial Armorist archetype?

1) Thanks

2) My mistake on armor training, I can never quite seem to get it right since I keep mixing it up to think "get light and medium, buy it again to get heavy" when it's the opposite, but it's still a bit talent heavy considering..
Get Destruction for free at 1 so there's something
Gloom or Tenebrous or Nether Blast for the Negative Specialization
Frost Blast for freeze beam OR Electric blast for general energy resistance passing.
Sniper Sphere and at least one snipe shot talent to make good use of a standard action attack with the gun
Berserker Sphere and Heavy Swing for melee with either the gun as buckler bash or a bound axe.
Some kind of Discipline talent (If I'm going all in with Dwarven Tech it would probably relate to that)
And... The Martial Armorist is still looking at 10 talents that need to encapsulate both your magic and your warrior traits in the martial specialization. For most of the low casters (Most Armorist Archetypes and all of the Mageknights) you still get plenty to do with your spell points and technically could go through a mageknight character without picking up a spell, but for blasters you're either putting all your points into charged shot/variable geometry or into blasts in other manners assuming you don't have some good support talents.

3) I did consider the martial armorist (it was what made me originally think to go for a martial tradition in the first place over just paying an arsenal trick.

4) also not to go off on a side tangent but I kinda want to know why Sentient Cannon is an exclusive trick. I mean like you could easily have a "Sapient Equipment" talent that just makes you choose a piece of bound equipment to become a sentient item.

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