DungeonmasterCal's House of Respite

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Bundle Of Holding Ad - Song of Ice And Fire

Nice! I didn't know you'd done work for Green Ronin. I have a few of their products and they're all good stuff.

Finally got the recovery drive in the mail to (hopefully) fix my laptop. It wouldn't recognize the built-in recovery segment on the hard drive so I had to spend $40 on the USB drive with the necessary files. SO FAR things seem to be on track.

I use the laptop mostly on game nights for quickly looking up rules or stats on critters, as well as the camera/mic array for my Skype player. If this doesn't work I'm not sure what I'll do next. Cross your fingers!

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Nice! I didn't know you'd done work for Green Ronin. I have a few of their products and they're all good stuff.

Advanced Bestiary For Pathfinder?

If so, how do you like a moss lich?

Sadly, that's not one I have. I wanted to buy it when it came out but it came at a really bad financial moment.

EDIT: I found it on d20pfsrd.com. I love it!

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Ragadolf wrote:

Although, Baton Rouge IS the Capitol city of Lousy-anna,.... But everyone has heard of and seems to want to go to 'The Big Easy', So,...... yeah,...


I used to date a mite named Louse-y Anna. Called her The Big Easy once too. When I woke up two days later, Doc Wampi said he'd never seen anyone mauled by a lice swarm before.

Drejk wrote:
If so, how do you like a moss lich?

A Moss Lich sounds like the Big Boss you'd find in the lowest dungeon level of the Tomb of Reynholm Industries IT Horrors.

Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:

Drejk wrote:
If so, how do you like a moss lich?
A Moss Lich sounds like the Big Boss you'd find in the lowest dungeon level of the Tomb of Reynholm Industries IT Horrors.

I've got one on retainer, but getting her to abide by the letter of our contracts is a paaaaaain. She tends to tear them up and turn them into mulch, which is a waste of perfectly good ink. And losing her head does nothing so no teaching lessons that way...

Not one of my better investments, I have to admit. Still, a soul is a soul!

So it might be I don't get to go to Buckhannocon, because today, after talking with the orthopedic surgeon and seeing the X-rays, it's clear that the surgery failed. She's got part of her clavice going one way, another part going in another direction and the metal part that was supposed to hold it together failed completely and is starting to stick out of her back. (Not like ALL the way but noticeable to my Mom.)

So come Tuesday afternoon (time to be determined) she's going back UNDER the knife. This also means she will probably have her arm stuck at her side instead of in a traditional sling cast.

My brother is coming to stay and help her with the recovery...but I'm less than certain I'll get to go on May 18th because of how long I'll be.

So...yeah...not happy.

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Qapla'! I have a working laptop again. The first time it was a hardware issue. This time it was software. But it's working now and that's all that matters!

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Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
DungeonmasterCal wrote:

Two great things that go great together.

I drop little references to songs or books in my games like Easter eggs. Sadly, only one of the guys has anything like a similar taste in music to mine so he's the only one who gets them. Usually. There's an inn in one of the cities of my campaign world called The Wizard's Birthday. It's actually an album title from the classic hard rock band Uriah Heep. No one gets that one. :(

I would. :-)

Salisbury. Look At Yourself. Demons And Wizards. The Wizards Birthday. Four of my favorites.

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Ed Reppert wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:

Two great things that go great together.

I drop little references to songs or books in my games like Easter eggs. Sadly, only one of the guys has anything like a similar taste in music to mine so he's the only one who gets them. Usually. There's an inn in one of the cities of my campaign world called The Wizard's Birthday. It's actually an album title from the classic hard rock band Uriah Heep. No one gets that one. :(

I would. :-)

Salisbury. Look At Yourself. Demons And Wizards. The Wizards Birthday. Four of my favorites.

It's FAR from the original lineup (only guitarist Mick Box has stayed with them through every incarnation) but I'm going to get to see them with Judas Priest this summer.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Qapla'! I have a working laptop again. The first time it was a hardware issue. This time it was software. But it's working now and that's all that matters!

<Mr Burn's Voice>

"EXCellent Smithers!,... Release the hounds."


Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Ed Reppert wrote:
Salisbury. Look At Yourself. Demons And Wizards. The Wizards Birthday. Four of my favorites.

Actually, now that I think about it, it was "The Magician's Birthday". :-)

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Ragadolf wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Qapla'! I have a working laptop again. The first time it was a hardware issue. This time it was software. But it's working now and that's all that matters!

<Mr Burn's Voice>

"EXCellent Smithers!,... Release the hounds."


Ride, my baying brothers! Ride into battle!!

Ed Reppert wrote:
Ed Reppert wrote:
Salisbury. Look At Yourself. Demons And Wizards. The Wizards Birthday. Four of my favorites.
Actually, now that I think about it, it was "The Magician's Birthday". :-)

You're right. I guess I was mixing album names when I used it...lol

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I did run an adventure that a couple of my players realized about halfway through it they were playing in a game with elements drawn from several Rainbow and Dio songs. It was pretty great when one of my players discovered this and realized "Sacred Heart" by Dio was the main part and he led the party through the rest of the adventure.

Sharoth's mother passed away from cancer at 7 PM. Condolences are posting over on Deep-6 FaWtL.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I did run an adventure that a couple of my players realized about halfway through it they were playing in a game with elements drawn from several Rainbow and Dio songs. It was pretty great when one of my players discovered this and realized "Sacred Heart" by Dio was the main part and he led the party through the rest of the adventure.

I did a mashup of Kashmir and La Villa Strangiato back in college. The players were...amused ... No. Nope. Confused is the word I was looking for. Confused.

Yeah, I'm having a tough time putting them together myself.

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Vanykrye wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I did run an adventure that a couple of my players realized about halfway through it they were playing in a game with elements drawn from several Rainbow and Dio songs. It was pretty great when one of my players discovered this and realized "Sacred Heart" by Dio was the main part and he led the party through the rest of the adventure.
I did a mashup of Kashmir and La Villa Strangiato back in college. The players were...amused ... No. Nope. Confused is the word I was looking for. Confused.

I think of myself as a 'middle-aged' Calvin of Calvin and Hobbes.

(Google it you young punks!)

Teacher: Calvin! Pat attention! I asked you what state you live in!

Calvin: Confusion!

Teacher: Can't argue with that,....

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I pretty much learned to read with Calvin and Hobbes actually. :)

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Yeah, I'm having a tough time putting them together myself.

Lyrics, particularly the opening verse, from Kashmir describing the main antagonist. The titles and music of the various sections of La Villa Strangiato informed the setting and some of the plot.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Calvin and Hobbes will never get old.

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You'll never take me alive, Zogulon scum.

Vanykrye wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Yeah, I'm having a tough time putting them together myself.
Lyrics, particularly the opening verse, from Kashmir describing the main antagonist. The titles and music of the various sections of La Villa Strangiato informed the setting and some of the plot.

Gotcha. After listening to both I'd have to say that would've been a terrific game.

Was gonna so see Endgame today, but getting out of bed this morning I really badly pulled a muscle in my right side. It's hell getting old. And obese. So anyway, I'm hoping to see it tomorrow. My friends have been real heroes by not telling me spoilers but are also itching to be able to talk with me about the movie. So here's hoping!

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I wanted to see Endgame today but Mom wanted flowers. Some times I wish Thanos could finger snap my front lawn...

Heh, I know the feeling. Growing up on a farm the duties of stewardship (the hellish work we did in the blazing summer heat) often took precedence over the fun stuff we wanted to go into town and do.

Ugh. Pain in my side woke me at quarter past three. The muscle I pulled in my right side is driving me mad. I'm supposed to see Endgame today. Here's hoping I can make it!

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Saw it yesterday. Not bad. Worth the money but also not a gutbuster like some of the films. Looking forward to where Marvel goes from here.

Foulflow, a drowned warrior wearing his old armor and the waters that devoured him as a new body.

Orthos wrote:
Saw it yesterday. Not bad. Worth the money but also not a gutbuster like some of the films. Looking forward to where Marvel goes from here.

I think it would be better if instead of pushing all of that into three hour movie, they would make it into two movies of 2+ hours. It would allow for better story flow, and gave more time to various characters to shine. I feel that Infinity War handled character spotlight better.

Drejk wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Saw it yesterday. Not bad. Worth the money but also not a gutbuster like some of the films. Looking forward to where Marvel goes from here.
I think it would be better if instead of pushing all of that into three hour movie, they would make it into two movies of 2+ hours. It would allow for better story flow, and gave more time to various characters to shine. I feel that Infinity War handled character spotlight better.

I've heard the exact complaint in reverse. It really Seems to be most people either thought IW did really well and EG was a letdown or the exact opposite. I seem to be the only one I know who thought they were both equal amounts of okay.

I'll be able to add my opinions later today. I thoroughly enjoyed "Infinity War" and am very excited to get to see "Endgame" today.

Orthos wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Saw it yesterday. Not bad. Worth the money but also not a gutbuster like some of the films. Looking forward to where Marvel goes from here.
I think it would be better if instead of pushing all of that into three hour movie, they would make it into two movies of 2+ hours. It would allow for better story flow, and gave more time to various characters to shine. I feel that Infinity War handled character spotlight better.
I've heard the exact complaint in reverse. It really Seems to be most people either thought IW did really well and EG was a letdown or the exact opposite. I seem to be the only one I know who thought they were both equal amounts of okay.

I wouldn't call Endgame a letdown, I just think it could be better.

Grand Lodge

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I'm happy with both movies. I wanted some things to go other ways, but I think it was an excellent conclusion to Phase 3.

I just got back from seeing it. I really enjoyed it. I thought it was a great way to end this particular chapter in the MCU.

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All I care about is the next phase better have me some Galactus and Kang. :p

I was a DC reader when I still read comics. I know Galactus but who's Kang?

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I was a Marvel guy myself and I still don't know who Kang is, and it's too late to bother Googling.

Also IMO Galactus works better as background setting dressing than an active visible presence.

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Nuts, you didn't mean me. No, not the other one.

No, not the other other one either.

No, you want the other other other one.

The alien has the right of it. Kang is a LONG time Avengers foe and while not maybe widely known to some...*arches eye brow* he's pretty much like the reason the Avengers have to fight future stuff.

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Oh he's an FF villain. No wonder I dont know him. The FF have always been the most forgettable part of Marvel's world IMO. Except for Doom of course.

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Thomas Seitz wrote:
he's pretty much like the reason the Avengers have to fight future stuff.

I think endgame reached my tolerance limit for time travel.

Drejk wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Saw it yesterday. Not bad. Worth the money but also not a gutbuster like some of the films. Looking forward to where Marvel goes from here.
I think it would be better if instead of pushing all of that into three hour movie, they would make it into two movies of 2+ hours. It would allow for better story flow, and gave more time to various characters to shine.

You've basically described my thoughts on Infinity War. Which...I guess proves Orthos' point. Infinity War was a rat-king of too many cooks spoiling the broth and could have been handled much better with a break in the middle.

Endgame had issues aplenty, but pacing wasn't one of them.

Orthos wrote:
Oh he's an FF villain. No wonder I dont know him. The FF have always been the most forgettable part of Marvel's world IMO. Except for Doom of course.

Have to agree to disagree on this point I'm afraid.

As a youth I always thought the FF was one of the COOLEST parts of Marvel.


Well, my best friend feels that while he enjoyed IW, he felt it didnt handle some things as well as it could have/should have.

He does feel that EG redeemed itself completely in his eyes. :)

I liked both, but while I am GLAD that they did NOT pull a 'Hobbit' and turn it into 3 freakin 3 hour movies, I cannot disagree that there was a LOT crammed into both films. And admit there may be a valid point that splitting them into 3 films instead might (MAYBE) have helped/added to/etc the overall storyline.

100% agree that pacing was NOT an issue on EG. I sat there for 3 hours, and it did not feel like 3 hours. At all.
(OK, my bum was sore and stiff, but otherwise) :)

Hey, I enjoyed the movie, It had a lot of fun, great scenes, some great character interactions, action action action! and I'll probably fork out the money for it when it hits DVD/Blu ray. And thats all that really matters. :)

For me anyway. ;P

Happy Monday to all!

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Ragadolf wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Oh he's an FF villain. No wonder I dont know him. The FF have always been the most forgettable part of Marvel's world IMO. Except for Doom of course.

Have to agree to disagree on this point I'm afraid.

As a youth I always thought the FF was one of the COOLEST parts of Marvel.


A big part of it is that I DESPISE Reed Richards, and the other three are utterly forgettable. The only reason Reed isn't is because of how much I hate him.

Which is probably one of the reasons I like Doom so much. In addition to just being a cool villain, he has the sense to not pull the kind of crap Richards does despite being the (theoretical) hero.

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