Can you use Amplified Glitch Feat to hide?

Rules Questions

Amplified Glitch use first,As a standard action to sudden distractions with technological devices.
hide in plain sight if you have a distractions,you can use hide (if you are planning to stay immobile) and maybe also a fast action then your turn is over.
and you target is shaken and you are hidden.

You can use Stealth to hide if you have either cover or concealment (or a special ability that allows you to hide in plain sight), or if you have successfully created a diversion with the Bluff skill.
You can attempt a Stealth check to hide either as a move action (if you are planning to stay immobile) or as part of a move action.
If you move at a rate of half your speed or less, you take no penalty to your Stealth check.
If you attempt to hide while moving more than half your speed or after creating a diversion with Bluff, you take a –10 penalty to your Stealth check; these penalties are cumulative if you do both.
The check is opposed by the Perception checks of creatures in the area that might detect you.
A creature that fails the opposed skill check treats you as if you had total concealment as long as you continue to have actual cover or concealment.
A creature that succeeds at the opposed skill check either sees you or pinpoints you (see page 260) in situations when you have total concealment.
If you lose actual cover or concealment during your turn, you can attempt to stay hidden, but only if you end your turn within cover or concealment.

Amplified Glitch (Combat) You can create sudden distractions with technological devices.
Prerequisites: Computers 3 ranks, Intimidate 3 ranks. D Benefit: As a standard action, you can wireless introduce a fast-acting virus into nearby technological devices to briefly cause them to malfunction in loud, surprising ways.
You can use this ability on one target creature per character level, no two of which can be more than 30 feet apart.
Each target must either be carrying technological devices or be within sight and hearing of such devices.
While the locations of such devices are up to the GM, most public spaces (aside from technologically underdeveloped areas) contain enough technology for this feat to function.
Your glitch causes alarms to go off, automated devices to spin and flail, readouts to flash brightly, and so on. With a successful Computers check (DC = 15 + 1 per target + 1-1/2 × the CR of the highest-CR target), all targets are shaken for 1 round, plus 1 additional round for every 5 by which your result exceeds the DC. Once you have targeted a creature with this feat, that foe is immune to this ability for 24 hours.


I think RAW it does not as Amplified Glitch neither uses a bluff check, nor really has any effect that imitates Bluff.

That said, I'd let it happen in a game I run.

But anything could be a distraction?two PC could fight to make a distractions.some one could set off a bomb, and not use any associated skills.other that the hide after the distractions.
I would like to here from Paizo.
You are the second GM to rule against it.
but my GM lets me do it so its cool lol.

I'm not sure where you're getting "distraction" from, but in this case, diversion isn't an actual diversion, it's an ability that's a subset of the Bluff skill.

Logically, I see why it makes sense, but the rules don't allow for it. That said, I wish Amplified Glitch was buffed with something like this. The few times it succeeded for me was not worth all of the wasted actions when it didn't.

Felix the Rat's i think the words are pretty similar.

a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else.

an instance of turning something aside from its course.
an activity that diverts the mind from tedious or serious concerns; a recreation or pastime.

I think it comes down to created a diversion with the Bluff skill is the only way to hide with diversion? or does a flash grenade work or flickering the lights with Amplified Glitch? all-so you can hide if you have concealment if some thing stop you from seeing me isn't that close enough to concealment?

what is the operative pick intimidate as their special skill?

There's no argument that the words are synonyms. However, in the context of the Bluff and Hide, Diversion is a defined ability. The ability Diversion and the word distraction are not synonymous.

Flailing limbs, flashing lights, flashing genitals, doesn't matter. This is just RP of how you distract the enemy to create a Diversion (with the Bluff skill).

As for cases like a flash grenade or flashblinders, you can roll to hide, but not because it's distracting. These can blind the enemy, which then grants you concealment, which allows you to hide.

FelixTheRat thank you for your help.

this is from a GM friend not my words.
You could make use of glitch as a standard action (or simply make an attack).
Independent from that, you can then - as your move action - do the bluff check.
If it succeeds, as part pf your move action (the bluff check), you can then try to do an opposed stealth check - but with a -10 penalty because you did the bluff check.
As it specifically says you have to do "cover or concealment (or a special ability that allows you to hide in plain sight), or if you have successfully created a diversion with the Bluff skill" (so not all diversions, only diversions with the bluff skill), I personally would rule you get of course the benefits of glitch if it does succeed but it is not an automatic success for the bluff check. You would still have to succeed on it with a move action.

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