Ishian Shade |

I have read other threads about stacking issues and I apologise for bringing up this question if it has been answered elsewear. A barbarian gets heroism cast upon him, granting him a +2 morale bonus to his attacks and other effects. While still under the effects of the spell he goes into a rage, giving him a +4 morale bonus to strength as well as other effects. Would the barbarian get a plus 4 or plus 2 bonus to attack? I know bonuses of the same type do not stack when applied to the same ability, but in this case they are not applied to the same ability, but it does effect the same thing (in this case the barbarian's melee attack bonus) indirectly. Thank you.

Alphavoltario |

For a chained Barbarian, the way it's written I can see most of the bonuses stacking, nix the heroism bonus to Will saves.
For an unchained Barbarian, no, as their rage directly influences attack and damage rolls.

Ishian Shade |

For a chained Barbarian, the way it's written I can see most of the bonuses stacking, nix the heroism bonus to Will saves.
For an unchained Barbarian, no, as their rage directly influences attack and damage rolls.
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I should have clarified that it was a normal barbarian (not unchained) because of the strength bonus while raging.

SorrySleeping |

Heroism gives a +2 bonus on attack rolls specifically.
Rage gives a +4 bonus to Strength, which happens to give a bonus to attack rolls as well.
There are the same type bonuses, but they apply to different things. One (strength), happens to effect another (attack bonus), but they both get bonuses because they aren't both bonuses to Strength. The barbarian would get +4 (2 from the extra Strength, 2 from the specific attack bonus from heroism).
As long as the bonuses aren't the exact same thing it is fine.

Alphavoltario |

Alphavoltario wrote:For an unchained Barbarian, no, as their rage directly influences attack and damage rolls.But the bonus from rage in the unchained barbarian is untyped so it can still stack with heroism
Forgive me, I've been in multiple campaigns where the DM has ruled, that like a chained Barbs rage, its a Morale Bonus.
I answered the question with this predisposition.If it is untyped, anything should stack with unchained rage.