Prestige Points and Vanities in 2E

Pathfinder Society Playtest

Sovereign Court ** Venture-Agent, Philippines—Quezon City

How useful are vanities in general and should/would they be included in 2E?

The Additional Resources page does not mention vanities so I have never tried purchasing any using prestige points for my PFS characters but some of them look nice especially the ones for memberships to specific groups.

Flavor wise I think spending Prestige to gain access to training in other classes or entry to Prestige classes makes sense. Like calling in a favor.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **

I like vanities because they add some flavor or background, and a litle bonus, to my PCs. I'm sure later down the road they will release something like the PFS Field Guide for 2e. Well, I hope they do.

1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

It's going to sound silly, but I hope they don't gate it like that, and instead make it available like Starfinder.

To lock it to a book that has a limited print run breeds elitism.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

It's going to sound silly, but I hope they don't gate it like that, and instead make it available like Starfinder.

To lock it to a book that has a limited print run breeds elitism.

Pdfs never run out of print

Grand Lodge 4/5 **

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Vanities on chronicle sheets are awesome. I hope to see vanities on chronicles that are available to anyone that played the scenario -not just the faction specific ones.

In fact, get rid of the 'always available for purchase items' to make space for a vanity!

(I know. Wishful thinking.)

Sovereign Court ** Venture-Agent, Philippines—Quezon City

Christian Dragos wrote:

Vanities on chronicle sheets are awesome. I hope to see vanities on chronicles that are available to anyone that played the scenario -not just the faction specific ones.

Chronicle sheet vanities... that sounds awesome. Have a Like.

5/5 ***

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Vanity boons would be fun.

Dark Archive 2/5

waltero wrote:
Vanity boons would be fun.

Sadly if they use the (imho terrible) Boon Slotting system from SFS then you're limiting what vanities can be used concurrently.

No more could you have a noble title, a manor house, a seneschal & a merchant caravan all at the same time (as one of my characters does).

Of course you could make them slotless, but then if you have to make lots of things slotless for them so be able to compare well with PFS1, what is the point of slottable boons?

2/5 *

Vanities were never terribly useful, but they were nice anyway. It's cool for your sailor PC to be able to have their own ship that they use in scenarios that require a ship. It's cool for your character to have their own mansion, or wizard's tower. It's cool for your character to have a spy network, or be a member of the thieves' guild.

Useful? no, or at least there were much more optimal uses for prestige points. I miss them dearly, nonetheless.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

It is interesting to go back to old posts with a lens of time.

No vanities for 2e.

Grand Archive 4/5 ****

Gary Bush wrote:

It is interesting to go back to old posts with a lens of time.

No vanities for 2e.

There are a few. Some got retired with fame.

Storied Talent and Crafters Workshop. Depending how you define it, Curse Breaker and Naturalist. And the now retired Preserve (You own a nature preserve.)

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Oh, I wasn't considering them vanities but I guess one could treat them as such.

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