The Legendary Stan Lee Has Passed Away

Off-Topic Discussions

Stan Lee Dies

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:

Stan Lee Dies


It had to happen, of course, but with him I really wish it didn't have to. The world needs more kind people, and Stan Lee was one of the kindest.

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A long life well lived. EXCELSIOR!

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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I just heard. This is sad--though of course, I wish anyone an active life to 95 years old.

I never properly met him, but he came to Baltimore Comic-Con one year. You could only meet him with very expensive VIP tickets and that just isn't my thing. But I was there, and halfway through the day, my friend and I are trying to push our way through a very crowded area so we could get outside to get to lunch. As we're just sort of blindly pushing and shoving our way through, I suddenly lurch in my tracks as I realize I am about to plow into an elderly man. I look up, and mutter "Excuse me," embarrassed I'm about to knock this fragile looking dude over in my single-minded quest for lunch.

I'm not even quite processing things as the mustachioed, bespectacled man simply smiles kindly at me and says, "Well, hello there!" Obviously, no hard feelings.

I don't even get to respond before about three Con security folk suddenly push their way between me and the man and swiftly usher him out of the crowd.

The pieces are only falling into place in my crowd-befuddled mind as my friend says, "Did we nearly steamroll over Stan Lee?"

Yep, we nearly did.

Very grateful for that split second hello there--he could have been very offended or frightened or unforgiving. So only a fleeting impression of him, but he seemed as kind and joyful as he was ever described.

I am proud to say at least I am the personal recipient of a Stan Lee cameo.

Rest in peace, and Excelsior.

;_; The Master has died. Rest in peace, Stan.

It is a sad day.. :(

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Aye...sad indeed, though hell of a tale DQ, I dare say that speaks to the character of the man.

Life well lived...yep.

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Rest in Peace, Mister Lee. May the Halls of Valhalla open wide for you.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
DeathQuaker wrote:

I just heard. This is sad--though of course, I wish anyone an active life to 95 years old.

I never properly met him, but he came to Baltimore Comic-Con one year. You could only meet him with very expensive VIP tickets and that just isn't my thing. But I was there, and halfway through the day, my friend and I are trying to push our way through a very crowded area so we could get outside to get to lunch. As we're just sort of blindly pushing and shoving our way through, I suddenly lurch in my tracks as I realize I am about to plow into an elderly man. I look up, and mutter "Excuse me," embarrassed I'm about to knock this fragile looking dude over in my single-minded quest for lunch.

I'm not even quite processing things as the mustachioed, bespectacled man simply smiles kindly at me and says, "Well, hello there!" Obviously, no hard feelings.

I don't even get to respond before about three Con security folk suddenly push their way between me and the man and swiftly usher him out of the crowd.

The pieces are only falling into place in my crowd-befuddled mind as my friend says, "Did we nearly steamroll over Stan Lee?"

Yep, we nearly did.

Very grateful for that split second hello there--he could have been very offended or frightened or unforgiving. So only a fleeting impression of him, but he seemed as kind and joyful as he was ever described.

I am proud to say at least I am the personal recipient of a Stan Lee cameo.

Rest in peace, and Excelsior.

I met him too, at a con in Chicago. I was going down the hall and I noticed a tired old man in an electric wheelchair barrelling towards me. He had a...well, let's just say a goon in his wake, keeping a close eye on him. I think hes going to roll over me when he makes a sudden right and bashes his way through an exit. I moved a bit too late to help him with the door, and the goon kinda glared at me to not approach anyway. It was only when he was attacking the door I realized it was Stan Lee.

He beat the crap out of that door.


Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Of all the legends in writing comic books, Stan Lee's looms largest. RIP Stan.


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