Gate question

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

The text says deities and similarly powerful beings can prevent a gate from opening in their presence. Am I correct in thinking demon lords/ archdevils etc can stop a gate from appearing in their abyssal realm/layer of hell etc?

I would suggest that the words, "in their presence" to be a finite area in close proximity to the being,to be determined by the GM.

Myself, I would rule it to be anywhere within the being's movement range for a standard move action.

Seems awfully small to me. I would think at least their palace. The exact wording is: "Deities and other beings who rule a planar realm can prevent a gate from opening in their presence or personal demesnes if they so desire."

I'd say that a Demon Lord/Arch Devil/whatever creature of demi god level power in that vein could stop a gate from opening in their palace/whatever they live in, but probably couldn't stop a gate from being opened several miles away. They'd have to be able to sense the magic, and I am unsure if they get to sense everything that happens inside their demesnes.

It's unclear, but I'd say "personal demesne" could be pretty big, and could plausibly include an entire demiplane.

Here's a player-written miniguide to the Gate spell, if that helps.

Doug M.

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After reading the spell description and the definition of the word demesne,

"Deities and other beings who rule a planar realm can prevent a gate from opening in their presence or personal demesnes if they so desire."

Demesne: 1. land attached to a manor and retained for the owner's own use.
2. the lands of an estate.
a region or domain.


possession of real property in one's own right.

I would have to adjudicate this to include their castle, lair, or for deities, the entire plane. For lesser beings, I think this would be reduced to the size of their domicile and the surrounding lands they control directly.

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Soulgear wrote:

After reading the spell description and the definition of the word demesne,

"Deities and other beings who rule a planar realm can prevent a gate from opening in their presence or personal demesnes if they so desire."

Demesne: 1. land attached to a manor and retained for the owner's own use.
2. the lands of an estate.
a region or domain.


possession of real property in one's own right.

I would have to adjudicate this to include their castle, lair, or for deities, the entire plane. For lesser beings, I think this would be reduced to the size of their domicile and the surrounding lands they control directly.


Deities could stop you anywhere in their plane/demiplane. Demigod-level beings it would be within a few miles of their castle/stronghold/etc.

If they're not in in their "demesne" it would include anywhere within their immediate sphere of influence. A deity would probably be able to stop you gating in within a few miles, while a demigod might be reduced to line-of-sight, or within the walls of the current building.

Really since this isn't specified, and the beings in question tend to belong in GM-fiat territory, you can decide on the fly what suits the story (unless you're a player, then ask the GM).

Note that plane shift has no such restriction, so unless you need pinpoint accuracy in one action or want to move an army between planes, there's an alternative.

Completing the Planar Traveller story feat would enable you to use Plane Shift with pinpoint accuracy.

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