Brolof |

I'd say that a Demon Lord/Arch Devil/whatever creature of demi god level power in that vein could stop a gate from opening in their palace/whatever they live in, but probably couldn't stop a gate from being opened several miles away. They'd have to be able to sense the magic, and I am unsure if they get to sense everything that happens inside their demesnes.

Douglas Muir 406 |
It's unclear, but I'd say "personal demesne" could be pretty big, and could plausibly include an entire demiplane.
Here's a player-written miniguide to the Gate spell, if that helps.
Doug M.

Soulgear |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

After reading the spell description and the definition of the word demesne,
"Deities and other beings who rule a planar realm can prevent a gate from opening in their presence or personal demesnes if they so desire."
Demesne: 1. land attached to a manor and retained for the owner's own use.
2. the lands of an estate.
a region or domain.
possession of real property in one's own right.
I would have to adjudicate this to include their castle, lair, or for deities, the entire plane. For lesser beings, I think this would be reduced to the size of their domicile and the surrounding lands they control directly.

MrCharisma |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

After reading the spell description and the definition of the word demesne,
"Deities and other beings who rule a planar realm can prevent a gate from opening in their presence or personal demesnes if they so desire."
Demesne: 1. land attached to a manor and retained for the owner's own use.
2. the lands of an estate.
a region or domain.or
possession of real property in one's own right.
I would have to adjudicate this to include their castle, lair, or for deities, the entire plane. For lesser beings, I think this would be reduced to the size of their domicile and the surrounding lands they control directly.
Deities could stop you anywhere in their plane/demiplane. Demigod-level beings it would be within a few miles of their castle/stronghold/etc.
If they're not in in their "demesne" it would include anywhere within their immediate sphere of influence. A deity would probably be able to stop you gating in within a few miles, while a demigod might be reduced to line-of-sight, or within the walls of the current building.
Really since this isn't specified, and the beings in question tend to belong in GM-fiat territory, you can decide on the fly what suits the story (unless you're a player, then ask the GM).