Illegal Things Made Legal

Pathfinder Society

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I have a boon that allows the use of the Daggermark Poisoner prestige class. I'd like to know whether that legality extends to its class features. Specifically:

Daggermark Poisoner wrote:
Toxic Trick: At 2nd level and every two levels thereafter, a Daggermark poisoner learns a toxic trick. She can use a number of toxic tricks each day equal to her Intelligence modifier + 1/2 her class level. The save DC of any saving throw called for by a toxic trick is equal to 10 + the Daggermark poisoner's class level + her Intelligence modifier. Spell-like abilities have a caster level equal to her class level.
Toxic Trick wrote:
Poison Conversion (Su): As the alchemist discovery.

The Poison Conversion alchemist discovery is not PFS legal. Is it a legal Toxic Trick choice for my Daggermark Poisoner?

2/5 5/5 **

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Somewhere they have codified this, but the ruling is, paraphrased: If a legal option grants an illegal option, you may only take that option if no other option is available.

In your case, you have many options besides Poison Conversion, so it remains illegal.

4/5 5/5 ***

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It's in the FAQ!

If the non-legal options are an automatic part of the archetype, such as a feat that all characters with that archetype gain, the Additional Resources page often provides a substitution. If it does not, that option is legal for your character. However, if the non-legal options are part of a menu of choices, such as a list of feats that includes one feat that is not legal, the option does not become legal for your character.

Darn. Thanks for the clarification!

4/5 **

If you want the ability to change poison types and aren't concerned about doing it on the fly, I would suggest using the Poisoner archetype for rogues.

1/5 *

I’m inclined to disagree with the others here. It seems to me that the alchemist discovery (poison conversion) is illegal, but that is not what this prestige class grants. This prestige class isn’t giving you that discovery, it is giving you the option to select poison trick (poison conversion), which functions as the discovery (poison conversion)

If this was a usually available option, I’m sure there would be the clarification that this poison trick is not illegal, but assuming your boon doesn’t say this, I would assume it must be legal.

2/5 5/5 **

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

The FAQ is pretty clear.

In this case, Daggermark Poisoner (non-legal) is made legal via boon and the class feature 'Toxic Trick' grants a menu of choices, some of which are legal and some are not. Therefore, per the FAQ, the not legal choices remain not legal.

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