Yerdiss |

The level 20 capstone ability is phrased as follows:
At 20th level, while a spiritualist's phantom is confined in her consciousness, she is immune to mind-affecting effects and spells and effects that involve possession, such as magic jar and possession.I read this as being immune to:
- (1) all mind-affecting effects; and
- (2) spells that involve possession; and
- (3) other effects that involve possession.
However, grammatically this is ambiguous, and I've read other people interpreting this as if the immunity to mind-affecting effects is also limited to those involving possession.
For now, I'm comfortable with my interpretation. But seeing people are reading it in a more restrictive manner, I'm putting it out here.
I do wonder if there's insights on the forums on what people feel would be the better interpretation, and why. And maybe a pointer to what the RAI is.

blahpers |

It's grammatically ambiguous, but the usage is clear. To interpret "that involve possession" to apply to the whole thing, the group of things that would apply to would be "mind-affecting effects and spells and effects". That is twice-redundant and thrice silly. The entire "mind affecting effects" part of that clause would be useless, as all mind-affecting effects are, of course, effects.
The only justification for the wording used is that the spiritualist is immune to both (a) mind-affecting effects and (b) spells and effects that involve possession.