Status of Order in Side Cart

Customer Service

I have the following order in my side cart (has been there for about 1 year due to some unfortunate developer delays):

Starfinder Miniatures: Iconic Heroes Set 1
Starfinder Miniatures: Iconic Heroes Set 2

These items are now on the shelves of retailers. Could you please advise if Paizo has received these, or if somehow my order was missed.

Thank you.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Some of these have shipped out with the November subscription orders (as mine are in such an order), but I am not sure what happens when your only subscription goes out at a rate of far less than once a month.

If those are the only items in your sidecart, you will probably get what you want if you go to your Account Settings and click on the "Ship As Soon As Possible" button in your Sidecart section.

If you have other items in your sidecart, you may want to discuss the issue further with the Paizo folks, as I recall being told that clicking on that button may not do what you want if you have items in your sidecart that aren't scheduled to ship for several months.

Customer Service Representative

Hello Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper,

Those miniatures are ready to ship out. Because they are in your sidecart, they are looking to go with a subscription order. As one of those will not happen for you in a while, would you like to move the miniatures into their own order and get them shipped out?

Please let me know your preference and we can get those miniatures moving for you!

Yes, please ship them out as soon as possible since it looks like they missed getting shipped out with my last Pathfinder Battles shipment (which is my only subscription, and the next release won't be for several months).

Customer Service Representative

Hello Kor,

I have moved the items out to their own order, which should be on its way soon. You will be receiving an email confirmation.

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