My Table's HouseRules, Your Thought's?

Homebrew and House Rules

Hey everybody! Just got back into pathfinder and figured I'd drop off my list of House rules my table runs. Wanted to see some peoples thoughts on it? Now GM'd too many campaigns and I'm always looking for new tips on how to make sessions more fun.

Heres the Link: Tater Tot's The GM's HouseRules.

Minor quibble: doesn't bother me but you might provide a "strong language" warning for other forumites.

Now to content: seems workable, I'd add weapon finesse to the feat/rule modifications instead of TWF, but that's me.

Grappling causing flat footedness is a boost to sneak attackers, not sure that is intentional.

Are you just wanting feedback on what you have, or are you also wanting suggestions along the same lines?

I like the idea of not having to roll to maintain a grapple since the grapplee already gets a roll to escape. That's always bothered me. Curious how the "use pin roll as CMD" part plays out mathematically; might have to do some tests.

Edit: Meant to ask: If you fail a pin roll, does the grapplee escape, or are they still grappled?

blahpers wrote:

I like the idea of not having to roll to maintain a grapple since the grapplee already gets a roll to escape. That's always bothered me. Curious how the "use pin roll as CMD" part plays out mathematically; might have to do some tests.

Edit: Meant to ask: If you fail a pin roll, does the grapplee escape, or are they still grappled?

They are still grappled until they manage to roll an escape.

Java Man wrote:

Minor quibble: doesn't bother me but you might provide a "strong language" warning for other forumites.

Now to content: seems workable, I'd add weapon finesse to the feat/rule modifications instead of TWF, but that's me.

Grappling causing flat footedness is a boost to sneak attackers, not sure that is intentional.

Are you just wanting feedback on what you have, or are you also wanting suggestions along the same lines?

Feedback, and suggestions are great.

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