Endgame and Inevitables


So we have a villain intent on fusing/abducting/whatever a chunk of the material plane, and we have Lhaksharut inevitables, CR 20 Outsiders that exist just to keep this kind of thing from happening. I have a hard time believing the steps taken are minor enough to be below Axis's notice. So shouldn't the players be able to count on the support of something that basically hard-counters the final boss?

A couple of ways of looking at this. One: the "breach" being committed by N isn't necessarily permanent. Two: It could be argued that the Stolen Lands really belong to the First World anyway (that could be the background argument anyway, when N was cast out, so was the Stolen Lands).
Three: It could well be that at the end of the day, the Stolen Lands are small enough that they don't draw the attention of CR 20 guardians. Four: Perhaps they are busy dealing with Choral and his descendants. Five: Just because they have been created as potential monsters by Paizo doesn't mean they have to be present in every campaign run by Pathfinder GM's. i.e. if you want to simply say they don't exist, then they don't exist.

Looking at it another way, pretty every official campaign could/should have some really high level NPC/"Monster" that would, at least in theory, be antagonistic the the BBEG including, but not limited to, actual gods. Some things are just simply beneath the worries of high level NPCs. Not because they don't align with the causes of those NPCs or not because they are noticed by said NPCs, but rather because they simply are not a big enough deal to the NPCs in question.

I mean, the out-of-game explanation is that The inevitables are from Bestiary 2, which postdates Kingmaker. I rather like the idea of it being too fast for immortals to consider it, thanks.

They do not concern themselves with... hijacking of a chunk of one reality to serve as a base within another. What does trouble a lhaksharut is anything that represents a permanent link between planes...

Sounds like they wouldn't care that Nyrissa is trying to steal part of the land.

Alternatively, in addition to Gargs454's answers, they're busy doing other things.

Inevitables are dying out, so you can work that into your head canon in a way that makes sense.

This is quite interesting to know for any future Kingmaker games though!

I rather like the idea that Nyrissa has been carefully laying claim to the Stolen Lands so that the Inevitables would recognize her as the rightful owner and thus wouldn't interfere in what she is doing. The players are just upstart squatters on her rightful land, and as long as she can successfully evict them, then her claim remains strongest and the Lhaksharuts have no cause to intervene.

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That's a good point. ∆∆∆

Op, your thesis is simply flawed for this situation. The First World predated the current universe and rather than be wiped out, it was simply covered up by the new world as Golarionites know it. Nyrrissa reclaiming/seizing part of the material plane is simply part of the First World reclaiming it's natural order and is not so much an act of destruction.

It's simply not a cosmic concern to Inevitable or Aeons.

Now, to me that seems far too similar to exactly what the protean agenda is, except replacing "everything" with "material plane" and "maelstrom" with "first world." So I can't imagine that argument actually getting anywhere. It's not an act of destruction, it never was, the question is whether the transformation is out of line.

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