Double Slice: Why add them together?


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I don't really like adding the damage from the two weapons together for Double Slice (or Flurry). The main point is how it interacts with resistances/vulnerabilities, but I think it's better to keep them separate for this exact reason. I think a big two-handed Power Attack should cut through resistances a lot easier than two smaller attacks. Conversely, I think multiple small hits should trigger vulnerabilities more than a single big hit.

As is, the flavor doesn't feel different for these two mechanics.

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You asked why? Because of the almighty "balance" paradigm that dominates modern RPGs. Colloquially we call this the "tight math paradigm." Double Slice is added together so that two-weapon fighters aren't giving up ground to two-handed fighters. What Paizo should do is give each style, each option, a context in which it is superior. But then you're counting on the frequency of each context to be roughly equal. That's probably harder to manage when designing scenarios.

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