Repairing a Regeneration Table

Rules Questions

In the Core Rulebook, it states that a Regeneration Table becomes inert and useless once it is used. However, unlike some other items, such as the mnemonic editor, it doesn't say that it becomes valueless.

So, my question is, could you use a variation on the crafting rules to repair the table, by using 90% of the tables value in UPBs (or, in other words, recycling the table as per the crafting rules to make a new one at a 10% discount)? It would still end up costing 40,500 credits, but that is 4,500 credits saved.

by raw no because you generally won't have anything usable from a expendable item ...however it's a small and reasonable ask supported by the description of the table...I would definitely allow it

"A regeneration table is a medical bed that uses the most advanced medical technology known in the Pact Worlds to restore a creature’s body to full function from nearly any mishap or injury, including death. It does this with quantum locked nanites held in a suspended state from which they can become nearly any form of matter, including stem cells for biological creatures or mechanical components for artificial creatures like androids or Akiton’s anacites. The table both reads the creature’s own genetic code (or equivalent data) and uses supercomputing predictive algorithms to determine what damage or affliction is present, then attempts to restore the subject to perfect health based on that information.

As a result of its need to perfectly attune itself to one creature suffering one exact set of ailments and the expenditure of its quantum state particles, a regeneration table functions only once and is then inert and useless."

Just based on the description I would say, probably not. The last paragraph seems quite explicit as to why these are one time use items. That and the effects it reproduces.

That being said .. it wouldn't be unreasonable to think that the inert table could be recycled in some manner. I don't think it could be 'recharged' or 'repaired' but perhaps trading in the old table could get you a discount on another one isn't a far fetched idea.

That's what I figured, and I figured that, even lacking the quantum state particles, there would probably be enough material in whatever is left of the table to justify the 10% 'recycling'. Or some smaller amount.

Yea, but it would be something to figure out with your GM.

Jus a small correction, no biggie...
Anacites are from abbalon.
You do good work keep it up!

I would be inclined to say the remnants are worth the 10% scrap value. . . but I don't think I'd let the players actually *sell* it for that much. After all, whoever receives it is only going to be able to get 10% out of it, they aren't going to pay full price. So, you probably can't sell it for much. . . but you could salvage it for 10% worth of parts to be used for your own crafting purposes.

Or have the pc's try to bluff that it is fully functional and try to sell it ;)

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